Microsoft Reveals Innovative Features for Its New Outlook 2018

Microsoft Outlook 2018

The new features in Outlook are designed to help users save time and be more productive. Since we spend so much time writing and answering emails, this is one area where most of us would love to be able to get done faster. Microsoft designed Outlook with lots of thought and effort. In addition, they add exciting features every year or so. They do plenty of solid research when designing all their products because they believe in finding out what users are asking for and providing that.

Microsoft Outlook 2018

Intuitive design

You can see the planning that went into developing this version of Outlook. Most people will pick up how the new features are used pretty quickly though since this version is similar-looking to older ones. All Office 365 products share a similar look and feel in their design. The Ribbon contains many of the same features whether you’re using Word, Powerpoint, or Outlook.

Outlook’s new design is so streamlined that the new features transform the way you connect to your people and technology. It will infuse power into every productivity task. It comes with better security to ward off hackers. Keeping your email safe and secure is an important job. Today’s software programs and apps must contain higher level security features in order to address the growing number of data breaches going on all over the world. Microsoft does a good job of incorporating better security measures than many other companies.

There are a lot more new things to see and do in the new Outlook 2018. It can be configured to give users the convenience they’re looking for in an email program. Once you learn the ins and outs of the program, you can fly through otherwise boring tasks.

Below, we check out 5 of the coolest new features in Outlook. They should help you get your work done each day with time to spare.

  • Multiple time zones

Traveling around the world? Trying to sync appointments with people on various continents? Whether you’re just flying to Chicago or going to Tanzania, you can configure Outlook to set up meetings based on whatever time zone you choose. Appointment times will sync up depending on where everyone is. Each person is given the meeting time in their own time zone so no one will be late for the meeting. This is a super convenient feature that everyone will appreciate since the business world is now a global affair.

It’s easy to set this feature up. Open the Windows version of Outlook, then add an event by selecting File > Options > Calendar Time Zones. Now choose the option, “Show a second-time-zone.” If you’re using Outlook on the web, you should click on the drop-down arrow called “Time Zone.” This item can be found in your Calendar. If using a Mac, you can add extra time zones by navigating to Outlook > Preferences > Calendar Time Zones. With a little practice, you can become a pro at setting up various meetings with customers and team members around the world.

  • RSVP

Invite the whole crew to a picnic at the lake. After all, fun outdoor events are a good way to build camaraderie. Outlook makes it easy to send invitations, whether it’s a party, picnic, big meeting with the boss or just a lunch date. RSVP keeps track of who is coming (Tracking Option) and whether RSVP’s have been replied to. You’ll get reminders about the event based on how you set it up. You can get daily or weekly reminders. This feature is offered for both the meeting organizer and attendees.

  • Office Lens for Android

This is a really simple but helpful feature that lets you integrate the Microsoft Office Lens into your Outlook email program. It only works for Android though. It’s easy to use but very useful. Simply open an email that you want to send to someone. Next, tap the photo icon while creating your message. Now you can take a pic of anything and embed it in the document. You might want to include a photo of a colleague sitting across from you. You could snap a photo of a whiteboard or even a document. Outlook optimizes the photo, then embeds it into your email. There are countless uses for this handy feature.

  • BCC warning

We’ve all accidentally sent emails to the wrong person. Sometimes, it can be quite embarrassing. This is often the case if you get “BCC’d” on an email and decide to reply. Often people use BCC because they do not want the other people included in the email to know that a specific person got a copy of it. In the new Outlook, if you should hit “Reply All” to an email where you were BCC’d, you will get a warning message. It may say something like, “You were bcc’d on this email. Are you sure you want to reply to all?” We all need someone around to double check our actions from time to time and this feature might save you some embarrassment one day.

  • Bill-pay reminders

What if an email program could remind you when bills are due? Wouldn’t that be convenient? Outlook has the ability to identify the bills in your inbox, then put together a summary of them each day. This will appear at the top of your email when you first turn it on. Two days before the due date for each bill, you’ll get a reminder. The email program automatically adds an event to your calendar for the actual day the bill is due. Now there’s no excuse for forgetting to pay the light bill.


Outlook has many more really helpful features designed to make your life a little easier. Once you learn all the tips and tricks, you’ll cut time off your work day and get things done more efficiently. If you’d like to learn more about the new Outlook 2018 features, please visit this article.

How Dermatologists Have Used Technology Most Effectively

Dermatology, like other areas of medicine, has experienced and continues to undergo enormous changes in both technologies and in medicine and procedures. Dermatologists and other experts involved in skin care, attribute much of this transformation to fundamental improvements in medicine. With today’s innovative advancements in skin care, people can now get relief from age-old problems like acne and scarring. There’s a revolution going on in the area of treating aging skin.

Dermatologists and technology

Many dermatologists are now using vitamins and minerals directly on the skin. Laser treatments have proven quite effective as well. Regardless of whether you’re dealing with stubborn pockets of fat or varicose veins, there’s a new treatment for it.

The advent of more advanced imaging capabilities, telecommunication systems, and methods of information transfer have significantly changed how dermatologists examine patients. They can now perform an examination, develop a diagnosis, and outline a treatment plan using software specifically developed for this field.

Technology is in a constant state of growth and the transformation it brings to every industry is enormous. After canvassing dermatologists and their colleagues in the skin care industry, we have put together a wealth of information on some of the most effective ways in which these experts have employed various forms of technology in their work. Read along.

Clinical Photography in the practice of dermatology

Dermatologists have used photography for decades as a conventional means for documenting skin conditions. Photography comes in handy as an adjunct to the treatment of various dermatologic conditions in both research and clinical applications.

This approach to capturing and documenting patient improvement has been furthered by the emergence of low-cost digital imaging systems that are considerably easier to use. There have been improvements in the imaging applications as well. Many skin care professionals have used these new approaches but others have concerns when it comes to using digital imaging technologies to document dermatological information. These concerns are:

  • Controlling the lighting to provide a clear record of the skin condition of patients.
  • Maintaining consistency over time to keep an accurate track of clinical endpoints for meaningful comparisons.

Ideally, you’ll want to control the image capturing for quality, making sure that the images can be reproduced and compared with ease. This is the key to the successful use of clinical photography in dermatology. It means controlling factors that typically influence image quality such as:

  • Lighting (the lighting has to be right)
  • Distance (image must be taken from a close distance to produce optimum image resolution)
  • Color reproduction (should be realistic)
  • Focus (sharp is preferred)
  • Distracting elements (on the background/avoid them as much as possible)
  • Points of reference (the inclusion of a chosen point of reference is helpful)

Note: Photos will be most suitable for purposes of comparison when taken under identical conditions and at the same angle, using the same center of focus each time.

With increased accessibility to improved digital imaging systems, practitioners have been able to capture good-quality photographs of affected areas for diagnosis. The fact that digital imaging equipment has become more universal among today’s consumers has contributed to improved functionality in the medical industry.

There are numerous ways in which dermatologists have used clinical photography in their work over the years. Here, we look at some of the best ways in which these technologies have been used to capture and document a patient’s skin information.

Using photo analysis software and 3D imaging tool within dermatology clinics

Various dermatology clinics have turned to 3D imaging tools to photo document cutaneous disorders largely due to the visible nature of the skin. This has been an increasingly more convenient and cheaper undertaking given the emerging developments in imaging technology.

Ongoing technological advances have constantly created more and more opportunities for photo taking and use in dermatology clinics. There is widespread availability of quality low-cost digital cameras for clinicians to use in capturing images for patient records. This has enabled dermatologists to easily rely on standard photography as a useful technology in their practice; both for medical and cosmetic applications.

Physicians have found photos to be extremely helpful in documenting their patients’ short-term or even long-term clinical history; largely because patients often forget how they looked prior to therapy. Photos, therefore, become handy as patient management or education tools.

Clinical trials: using software to analyze images

While photo documentation has been at the center of clinical trials for several dermatologic indications or diseases for many years, developments in technology have improved it even further, making it more essential in these clinical trials.

The most successful use of documented photographs for clinical and cosmetic complaints have involved using software to analyze images and provide objective and more accurate assessments of various patients’ therapeutic responses. These include the use of both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems developed for clinical trials. These methods have been far more dependable than any human reviewers.

Together with specially designed imaging software, these systems have been employed to offer accurate measurements of objective criteria including lesion sizes and lesion counts.

Further, with 3D imaging technology, dermatologists have been able to get better measures of essential dermatologic parameters such as wrinkle depth. Without this kind of technology, experts had to previously rely on less accurate assessment methods like comparing before and after images of the skin in focus. This kind of approximation left much room for error. However, with the advent of 3D imaging technology, dermatologists have been able to obtain more accurate measurements of essential factors including the height, width, and even changes in lesion volume which can provide a more accurate evaluation of the effect of therapy on different lesions.

How 3D imaging technology works

It is easier to comprehend the working of three-dimensional technology if looked at from the perspective of the working of the human eye. Our eyes perceive depth (3D) since each eye, located some inches apart, views the same object from an angle slightly different from the other. The brain then merges this data to create a 3-dimensional representation of what we are looking at.

The three-dimensional imaging system works in basically the same fashion. It utilizes a compact stereovision camera to capture two images that differ from each other by some degrees, for every photo taken. Like the human brain, the system then combines the two images (taken at different angles) and forms a single composite three-dimensional image of the object.

Once clinicians have these life-like reconstructions the system has created, they turn to 3D analysis software to show a variation from baseline. The software can also be simulated to help indicate or predict a response expected from treatment.

Storage and retrieval of 3D images

Documentation of 3D images has been successful to a large extent because of the software for image storage and management that makes up part of the 3D imaging technology.

Dermatologists often attend to multiple patients and this means they may have thousands of patient photos stored in different places (libraries, disks, computers) nearly at every point in time.

Retrieving a patient’s image from such a mammoth repository can be tedious if you don’t have a mechanism in place to simplify the process. Not to mention that there is usually no standard formatting designed for file naming and storage in the dermatology practice. The common habit has been to tag a file, along with the name of the patient and presentation date.

Thanks to advanced image storage and retrieval systems that centralize and standardize image storage, clinicians have been able to link more patient images with their (patients’) records.

Such state-of-the-art software offers a more standardized and effective means of recording and searching for a patient’s image(s) when required. Further, it has been easier for practitioners to conduct side-by-side comparisons on-screen with this kind of technology.

New technologies that have been incorporated into clinical photography

Imaging systems and software used in clinical trials have seen major changes for the better. Some of the new capabilities that have since been incorporated into these technologies include the use of precisely angled light pointers on both sides of the image processing lens, enabling the user to pinpoint the specific object to be snapped (such as anatomic site or lesion).

This is a significant addition since it enables some of the most essential requirements for accurate imaging to be achieved. For instance, the technology makes it easier to get the exact image distance and camera settings that are needed to achieve consistency in images over the entire period of treatment, even when multiple users are involved in taking the photographs over that extended period of time.

Laser technologies for skin imaging and treatment 

Other than traditional clinical photography and regular 3D imaging technology, laser technology has made even greater contributions in helping dermatologists achieve efficiency in both cosmetic and clinical therapies.

There have been state-of-the-art options that enable these clinicians to view far more details that cannot be seen any other way. Further, the use of laser appliances has enabled dermatologists to produce incredible, microscopic skin images and analyze data in a more in-depth manner.

Laser technology for skin diagnosis

To analyze the patient’s skin, clinicians have always had to take captured images to the lab for special analysis. Over the recent years, this has been rendered unnecessary in most cases. With the recent improvements of laser technology and its incorporation in the field of dermatology, it has become less common for dermatologists to have to peer at glass slides on a microscope.

A good number of clinicians have used dermatoscopy, a technique that involves using a cutting-edge, hand-held microscope to examine the skin. The device is built for studying the complex surface of the skin and captured images or recorded videos as needed. This process requires absolutely no glass slides under the lens of the microscope.

Dermatoscopy also allows dermatologists to look beneath the skin by use of a special optical imaging technique involving the use of a confocal laser scanning microscope. This technique reveals at a cellular level, the very root of a broad range of skin conditions.

Thanks to the confocal laser scanning microscopy, patients with various skin conditions have enjoyed noninvasive procedures enabling them better results with faster recovery times. The technology is also available with other equipment used for mole mapping or full body imaging.

These developments have been responsible for accurate and real-time imaging that help prevent disease through early detection. There have also been significant improvements in understanding the nature of skin itself.

Noninvasive treatment options 

The application of laser technology does not just end with diagnosis; rather, it further helps in the subsequent stages that involve providing solutions to the patient.

Noninvasive treatment is one of the areas in which laser applications come in. This form of treatment does not involve cutting the skin. It has transformed medicine in significant ways, particularly in the field of dermatology.

Advancements in laser technology have made them far more accurate with precise targeting that leaves healthy skin completely untouched. For instance, fractional lasers have been used to deliver numerous tiny laser beams in a grid pattern – treating only the affected skin cells and leaving alone the surrounding cells as well as the cells in between.

These laser options have shown significant efficacy in treating skin conditions with negligible damage to the skin. They are a much less damaging alternative compared to the traditional use of the scalpel. The laser is also more desirable especially for treating delicate areas of the skin.

With the noninvasive nature of laser treatments, patients of dermatologic procedures have registered some of the shortest recovery times in the history of medicine. The outcomes have been great for medical and for cosmetic needs alike.

In many cases, dermatologists have applied the use of the same lasers used in treating lesions or skin cancers to cosmetic applications such as treatment of skin aging, sun damage or even removing undesirable pigmentation, such as from acne or scars.

At-home laser hair-removal techniques

Laser use is not just limited to the confines of dermatology clinics. Over the years, innovators have worked hand-in-hand with leading dermatologists to create some very effective at-home laser appliances for hair removal.

Some people, mostly females, tend to prefer smoother and clearer legs, considering hair to be unwelcome on the skin surface. For such people, there have been impressive results from the use of appliances like Tria Beauty’s Laser Hair Removal System and SensEpil from Silk’n.

With laser technology, what we see is a unified approach to skin treatment for both clinical and cosmetic needs. A lot of dermatology clinics have invested in proven technologies and equipment that work so that patients have enjoyed therapy without the need for surgery.

Keeping up with the demands associated with growing medical literature

Like other areas of medicine, dermatology is constantly evolving. This means that there is increasingly more medical literature for the dermatologist to utilize in order to deliver improved healthcare services.

To keep up, dermatologists have resorted to the use of information technology tools to record, organize, manage and/or recall every ounce of essential information. They are turning to electronic health record systems and the cloud for easier access to needed data in its electronic format. Personal computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other related information have become indispensable resources.

In so doing, they have automated a huge bulk of the information management work and freed up large amounts of time to use in developing better treatment methods for their patients.

There has been positive feedback from both patients of cosmetic dermatologic procedures and their physicians. This points to the positive impact that the use of information communication technologies has had on this industry.

In other words, these technologies, with their multimedia capabilities including drawing tools and videos, have been responsible for improved clinical efficacy. Patient satisfaction has increased, along with overall patient experience.

Effective sharing of information via Internet-based dermatology resources

Information communication technologies have not been limited just to dermatology clinics and consultation rooms. Dermatologists and other clinicians have turned to web-based apps and systems to transfer or share information in a social and collaborative manner – effectively transforming the whole arena of access to data and physician-patient communications in general.

Dermatologists have moved a step further to create information resources such as blogs and vlogs, as well as eBooks and other publications, making them electronically available for patients and colleagues to access. These resources are being used for educational purposes by many experts.

Patients have often already checked out all the treatment options online, so they have a better idea of what to expect from therapy – effectively reducing consultation time and improving both patient experience and treatment outcomes.

Because of this growing use of internet-based dermatology resources, physicians can now easily access learning and reference materials online. Lots of educational support resources are also available for patients online, which have helped improve dermatology and continue to facilitate the growth of the practice.

Last words

The last few decades have seen tremendous technological advances and innovations in dermatology and dermatologic procedures or surgery. These have slowly but progressively changed how dermatologists interact with patients and fellow physicians, as well as the way they practice medicine overall.

With new tools and approaches to skin care and related therapies, dermatologists have had some of the finest tools and equipment at their disposal. These professionals have made great use of these technologies to bring improved care to the patient. Based on this record, we can expect to see nothing but a stream of constantly-improved healthcare from dermatologists going forward.

Security – The Biggest Challenge For Companies.

According to a recent survey, around 29 percent of companies named security as the major problems in the upcoming years. The current percentage is a ten percent increase from last year’s survey results. While security is the biggest problem, efficiency and workflow was a close second, at 26 percent. Apart from cybersecurity and problems pertaining to privacy, emerging technology and infrastructure management have also been ranked as the top technological challenges faced by companies; regarding of the industry they belong to.

Tech Security

Challenges faced by tech companies

While firms do face these major challenges, coming up with a solution for them is a problem because half of the companies that cited security as a big problem don’t have the money needed to deal with the problem. Half of the respondents claimed that their firm’s budget was the same as last year while 8% of them stated that the budget allocated to the IT department was smaller this year. Another research also suggests that a large part of global companies, up to 55%, only have an IT audit assessment on a less-frequent basis; most commonly once a year.

It is a difficult task for security professionals to get the budget they require for setting up a proper, well-developed cybersecurity program. The problem is that security professionals are only handed the budget after there has been a major data breach or if there has been an incident that has left a negative impact on the company. A number of organizations find it hard to quantify security or put a monetary value on it.

With news filled about phishing scams and hacking incidents and social media websites talking about privacy, one can easily understand why security is such a concern. For instance, just last year in May, companies in more than 150 countries had been targeted. The targeted companies included big names such as NHS, FedEx, and Honda.

Just like law firms, tech firms also store tremendous amounts of sensitive data about users, which is why it is crucial for them to employ high-security levels. A lack of security on the part of tech firms not only shows negligence but also puts all the users at risk who’s data is stored with the company.

What security challenges do tech firms face?

The challenges to cybersecurity are regularly developing and are becoming more severe; making it vital for tech firms to stay on top of their game and constantly work on finding solutions, so they stay safe from security attacks. Mentioned below are a few of the common kinds of threat that tech companies can face:


Malware is highly common. Not only is it present abundantly on the internet, but it is also the tool that a majority of cybercriminals use for obtaining their goal. Whether it is for locking up computers and charging them for obtaining their goal or it is for infiltrating an organization and stealing confidential information; malware is the best tool. Similarly, malware can also be used for making public statements and getting people’s attention. In each cybersecurity incident, malware always has a role. In fact, it can also be used as a pivot into the company.


While this might seem surprising but users are a threat too. For instance, the threat can come from the inside, i.e., a malicious employee, or it could also be because of accidental user actions.

Spear phishing

Another tool that is becoming more common these days is spear phishing, primarily because it is quite effective. Hardly anyone thinks twice before opening any PDF document or a Word document. Many of us, in fact, use it regularly for work without thinking. This routine of not giving a second thought before opening a document is exactly the factor that criminals count on.

For all these security threats, the solution is simple; user education. For any organization, it is crucial to teach employees to first think before clicking on anything; whether it is a link or a document. While user education is important, it doesn’t mean that technology selection should be neglected. Enterprise systems can provide a sufficient amount of security if their users are given the right cybersecurity training and know how to use the systems correctly. While this requires more money and more time, the training is crucial for keeping the firm’s data protected.

Furthermore, another step that firms can take is to use email gateway technologies that can help get rid of the malicious emails before it goes into the user’s inbox. This simple measure can go a long way when it comes to protecting the firm from spear phishing.

Bottom line

It cannot be denied that the industry is filled with challenges, that increase in difficulty with each passing year. However, the good news is that all problems can be solved if only firms make use of passion, ingenuity, and a systematic thought process for solving them.

What Are Code Signing SSL Certificates and Why Use Them?

The concept of Code Signing SSL Certificates includes protecting users against phony software and assuring that the software is not infected with a virus. Most reputable companies require this certificate before accepting a product and using it. In today’s world, it’s the safest method of guaranteeing that software has not been altered or compromised.

Code Signing

Types of Code Signing SSL Certificates

There are several types of Code Signing SSL Certificates. The Business Validation SSL certificate requires that the software manufacturer or developer provide verification documents to the Certificate Authority. Once these documents are submitted, it can take three days for approval. This approval guarantees the authenticity of the digital program.

Code Signing SSL Certificates for Individuals are used less, though still important. If an individual programmer creates an app or software product and wants to include a Code Signing SSL Certificate, then the programmer must provide documents that prove his/her identity.  The Certificate Authorities check to make sure this person is who he says and that he is the author of the digital work.

What is a Code Signing SSL Certificate?

This certificate is a way for the programmer to digitally sign his or her work. An authentic Code Signing SSL Certificate includes a company or individual’s name, their signature, and often a timestamp, though this is not required. With this certificate, end users can feel confident that the program will work as promised.  SSL Certificates are used on software programs, applications, script, code, and drivers.

Improving Internet Security

Security on the World Wide Web has become an important commodity. There are phishing attacks launched daily. Along with that, ransomware has become quite prevalent. Attackers lock your computer files then demand a ransom be paid, usually in Bitcoin. Add to that so many computer viruses and worms hid within suspicious links that it’s difficult to keep up today.

In spite of the great amount of publicity about these attacks, many are successful due to a poorly educated public. Most users admit they sometimes click on links or visit sites they probably shouldn’t. It’s human to think that bad things only happen to other people.

Large reputable companies like Microsoft simply can’t take chances with their security or risk exposing end users to harm. The cost in both time and money would be too great; not to mention the damage to their reputation. That makes the Code Signing SSL Certificate very critical to businesses with a strong reputation to protect.

With this certificate, we can be assured of two important elements:

  • Content Source Authentication — ensures the developer’s code legitimacy
  • Content Integrity — verifies that the code is authentic and has not been tampered with

How to view the SSL Certificate

To authenticate a software program, click on the certificate that has been issued. You should be able to view the publisher’s name. There may be other information such as the timestamp. If it isn’t there, then the software originates from an “Unknown Publisher”. It may or may not be authentic. It could contain spyware, ransomware, malware, or other viruses. In some cases, thieves download authentic-looking programs onto your computer with a dangerous script running in the background. These lines of code can allow the Software Pirate to steal passwords and/or personal information.

How do Code Signing SSL Certificates work?

Just like other SSL Certificates, the Code Signing Certificate is created based on the public-private key pair. Though a key pair is related mathematically, the private key can only be decrypted by its original owner. Public keys are made available to anyone with access to the public repository. If you have a message that you only want one person to be able to read, this can be done using a private key. It always remains confidential and private to its respective owner.

This history of Cryptography

The concept of cryptography began as early as 1874 when William Stanley Jevons wrote a book called The Principles of Science. In it, he described various ways of creating a message that could only be read by the intended party. His theory was to produce a long random number that could only be known by one other person. For years, various mathematicians worked on the idea until 1970 when a British cryptographer working for the UK government came up with what he called, “non-secret encryption”.

Cryptographers and scientists saw the important applications for military use. Being able to send messages that the enemy could not read became a vital function of national security for all governments. Though this type of cryptography is still used today, it’s more common usage now is to protect software programs from alteration.

Why are SSL Certificates necessary?

When an application or program does not have a Code Signing SSL Certificate, any programmer can go into it and change lines of code however they want. This leaves everyone vulnerable. Maybe the programmer improved the software but maybe he added a Trojan worm.  Individuals and especially companies have a lot at risk and simply cannot afford to download malware or ransomware that would lock up all their files.

Reputable software manufacturers want to ensure that their products are free from tampering and the Code Signing SSL Certificate makes alteration impossible. It’s the perfect way to let users know that the software or app is authentic.

The process of creating a Code Signing SSL Certificate

There are multiple steps required in the process of creating the Code Signing SSL Certificate. The process begins with the actual code signing itself. This confirms the identity of the person or company that created the software. The steps are briefly outlined below:

  1. The software developer requests a Code Signing SSL Certificate.
  2. The identity of the developer is certified.
  3. A special Code Signing program is used to attach the SSL certificate to the software as a digital signature.
  4. The developer can now send the program out to publishers.
  5. Publishers double check to make sure the digital signature is authentic.
  6. A time stamp is often entered so that the certificate doesn’t expire.


Once you have a Code Signing SSL Certificate, you can assure users that it’s safe to use and contains no viruses or malware. Big publishers often require these certificates so they can use this as a selling point when reselling the software or app to end users. Many people will not buy a piece of software if it does not have this certificate.

Apple’s New iOS12 Will Include Screen Time, A Tool to Monitor Your Kids Time Spent Online

Coming in the fall of 2018, Apple has announced the release of iOS 12 for iPhones and iPads. The new operating system has been designed to greatly improve the user experience. It will be faster and more responsive than the older versions. It includes a number of helpful apps that will make life easier and more fun.

teenagers and smartphones

Apple has invested a great deal of time and effort in learning what users want most in their smartphones. They are touting iOS 12 as the most significant improvement to come along in some time. Keyboard typing will be much faster and more responsive. The camera will launch much quicker so you can get those great shots of your kids or pets playing.

The new operating system will work on older iPhones as well. Apple has said that the operating system will improve performance on devices going back to the iPhone 5S and iPad Air.

The Screen Time Tool

One of the most exciting improvements for parents will be a tool called “Screen Time.” This tool is integrated into the operating system so there’s no additional app to download. It provides a much-need method of monitoring how much time your kids spend on their phone and tablet computer. For years, parents have been complaining that there’s no way to tell how much time their kids spend on the phone. Now there is.

For years, Google has had a Family Link app on its Android phones with similar capabilities. However, Apple has taken the idea to a new level. Screen Time has a program to record the time that users spend on various apps. Though there are various third-party apps on the market that do monitor this, for many users, these have simply not been as user-friendly as promised. With the Screen Time program, there’s no third-party app to download.

If you want to know how much time your son or daughter has spent on Facebook, it’s easy to find out. Now that the information is readily available, parents can regularly check to see if their child is spending too much time playing games or on favorite social media sites. Those who have tracked this before always say consistently that they’re surprised at how much time they (or a family member) spend on certain websites or involved in some online activities.

The time does seem to fly by when you’re playing your favorite game or joking around with friends on Facebook. Though these activities are entertaining, often kids are neglecting more important things like homework, cleaning their room, or just getting out of the house for some fresh air.

Parents (or kids) can generate activity reports by logging into their “Family Sharing” account located in iCloud. The app also enables parents to set time limits for usage. Though this is meant to help parents control how much time their kids spend playing around, it’s an important tool for learning behavior patterns and developing behavior modification programs.

A tool in Screen Time called “App Limits” will notify you when your time is almost up. The warning is a good way for kids (and parents) to transition off of their device and get more involved in “real world” activities. Experts believe that the app is a more productive substitute for a parent yelling at their child to get off the phone.

iOS 12 includes many helpful apps for kids such as “Sleep is Supreme”, an app that allows parents to set up bedtime parameters on their kids’ tablets and phones. Parents can also limit the child’s access to apps like Snapchat and Instagram during school hours. If you have learning apps on your phone like Quizlet, you can continue to allow them to run these at any time.

Sleep deprivation

No one’s getting enough sleep these days. According to a new report by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine,[1] approximately half of all 15-year to 18-year olds get less than seven hours of sleep each night. Doctors recommend at least nine hours of sleep for this age group. Sleep deprivation can make you cranky and irritable. It keeps the brain in a state of being foggy and unable to process information as fast. It also affects the central nervous system and the immune system among others. Specialists have noted suicidal tendencies in teens with higher sleep deprivation.[2]

Control notifications

If you’re bothered by notifications, you can set up parameters that control how often and when you receive notifications. The new tool is called “Downtime” and it will no doubt be a big hit with everyone. Getting notifications at all hours can be annoying, distracting, and it can prevent you from finishing a project. Now you can set up “Downtime” to deliver notifications when it’s most convenient for you.

With Apple’s new iOS12, adults are finally able to take charge of the time their kids can spend on certain activities. This should go a long way towards improving quality time with your family. It may also help kids to improve their school grades and make everyone more aware of the time we spend playing games or interacting on our favorite social media platform.




From the word go, the term communication indicates that there is more than one party involved in the conversation. For there to be effective communication, both parties must understand what the other is saying. Communication in business is somewhat different from casual communication, say among friends. In business, the stakes are higher. Much more is involved and there is much more to lose, therefore, it is important that the communication is as effective as possible.

Effective Communications

There are certain rules that need to be followed for communication to be effective. These have been summarized as the 7C’s and are believed to guide communication especially in business. The 7C’s of communication is meant to inform people who do not know much about the rules of communication. Below, we discuss the 7C’s of good business communications.

  • Conciseness

First of all, communication needs to be concise. Conciseness simply means that you get to the point. Communication in business that does not convey to the other party exactly what the person is saying can be frustrating. It not only wastes time but can also lead to mistakes when the information conveyed is not understood. For this purpose, it is important that the message is conveyed in a concise manner. Of course, don’t be abrupt or rude, but be sure that you make your point. In today’s fast-moving world, business people appreciate it when you say what you mean and don’t leave listeners wondering.

  • Completeness

The message communicated needs to be complete. Do not assume that the person you are talking to will fill in the blanks or read between the lines. Ensure that before the conversation comes to an end, the person you are talking to has understood you completely. It is common knowledge that different people react in various ways to information that is presented to them. In addition, each person’s level and speed of understanding varies. Leaving people to complete information for themselves opens up the material being conveyed to misinterpretation. Depending on the level of communication, mistakes that arise as a result of incomplete information being passed can end up being quite costly to the business.

  • Clarity

Always remember that clarity is key. Imagine a situation in which you need an employee to make certain purchases for your business. You give the employee the instructions, focusing mainly on the exact items to be purchased, the quantities needed, and the budget. The employee when making the purchases, however, ends up purchasing the wrong items or the wrong quantity. Can you imagine the impact that this would have on your business? This is just one of the reasons why there needs to be clarity on the information being passed. Say exactly what you mean, exactly how you mean it.

  • Consideration

Keep in mind, whenever you are communicating with someone else that the other party is a human being with needs, feelings, life experiences, and certain biases. Knowing your audience is important if you are going to communicate effectively. Whether you know your audience or not, however, strive to be thoughtful in all your communications. Consider the other person’s feelings, their beliefs, their culture, and their biases. This can ensure that the message you are conveying is not received in a negative light. If possible, ensure that the message resonates well with your client.

  • Correctness

Correctness means that the message you are delivering must be accurate. Do not rely on fake news sources, for example, to inform the information passed. Instead, verify the facts before communicating with others. This will maintain your credibility with the other party and increase their trust in you. Secondly, the correctness of information reduces the chance of misleading information being passed on to others. This, in turn, protects you from liability for misrepresentation. Even large news organizations report incorrect information nowadays. Though this can temporarily improve their ratings, it also tarnishes their reputation. People will always return to the most reliable news source at the end of the day.

  • Confidence

First impressions are everything. They matter a lot. First impressions dictate how your audience will receive the piece of information that you are attempting to pass on to them. A good communicator is confident. This inspires confidence in listeners. A poised speaker is more likely to be received in a positive light. Their message will be regarded as important.

  • Conversational

Communication that is conversational is important for both parties. Such communication ensures that no one is left out and that, at the end of the day, the ideas of both parties are taken into consideration. Conversational communication prompts both parties to listen well and respond appropriately. It can prevent misunderstandings.

Final thoughts

Good communication is an important part of the business. Business owners who communicate well are often more successful than those who don’t. They’re more respected in the community and more likely to build healthy, long-standing relationships. The art of being a good communicator is something that comes naturally to a few people but it can be taught. And, it’s well worth the time and effort to learn this trait. Especially, if you’re planning on being in business for a long time.

Google Ready to Roll Out Mobile-First Indexing

For many business owners, Google’s announcement to switch over to mobile-first indexing comes as a real shocker. It’s a revolutionary thing to do in a world of disruptive technology. Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, a company’s desktop website was their first and foremost consideration when developing a marketing plan. With the new changes announced by Google, all that changes. Now, a company’s mobile website is what must be in prime condition.

Mobile SEO

For some business owners, this change will just be a bump in the road. For others, it’s a huge sinkhole where their profits could fall in and never be seen again. Many business owners still struggle to get their mobile website in excellent working order.

One business owner commented recently, “My mobile website comes up with these huge, looming images and you can’t really read much of the text.”

If this is you, then it’s time to get serious about fixing those issues. The top 5 problems that business owners face with their mobile website are:

  1. Being denied access- Users hate getting those little messages that the mobile site they’re searching for isn’t viewable on their device. Or, some say, “Mobile support coming soon.”
  2. Performance- Why can’t a mobile website just work the same as a regular one? That’s a big question with lots of answers. Sometimes the mobile device is at blame. Sometimes it’s the load speeds/internet connection.
  3. Design- Many users have landed on mobile sites where the images overlay the text, so you can’t really read anything. It’s frustrating and it usually ends with the user going someplace else to shop.
  4. URL redirects- This confounded message has been the scourge of surfing the web for many years. There are several reasons why you might get a redirect message. It could be that you typed the wrong thing in your browser. Sometimes links are broken. Other times, the website owner simply has several pages that refer to the same site and they need to do some maintenance. It can also be the result of phishing attempts.
  5. Confusing apps- There’s no excuse for this but many business owners have attempted to save money by doing it themselves or hiring a non-professional to design their app.

Why is Google Doing This?

Back in November 2016, Google announced their initial mobile-first indexing effort. They called it “an experiment” and it seemed like a good idea on the face of it. However, no business owners could foresee that the Tech Giant might eventually decide that mobile sites were more valuable than desktop sites.

The reasons they give seem pretty concrete. Almost 60 percent of all searches are performed from a mobile device now. A report from 2015, verified that 56 percent of global search queries originate from a mobile phone. Mobile traffic was responsible for about 49 percent of all website traffic according to this report.[1]

These numbers are expected to rise significantly over the next ten years. Google has a long reputation of knowing where the next big trends will take place so you can trust their word when it comes to topics like this. The only thing left to do is make sure your mobile website is amazing!

The Good News

Google has repeatedly said that they will transition into this new phase slowly. That’s the good news. All this will not take place overnight. Instead, Google will give business owners time to fix whatever they need to so their mobile site will be first-class.

The other piece of good news is that Google has assured business owners that if they do not have a mobile site, the google bots will still continue to crawl the desktop version of the site. That means your revenue stream should not decline for lack of a high-performing mobile site.

The Google announcement says, “If you only have desktop content, you will continue to be represented in our index.”

Further Clarity Needed

Google also made it clear that mobile-first indexing does not mean that there will now be two separate indexes performed. There will still be only one and it will focus on mobile sites, not desktop sites.

The reason they cite for this is:

“…To better help our primarily mobile users find what they’re looking for.”

For those who don’t know, mobile-friendliness has always been a major factor in determining how a site is ranked. Of course, it’s not the only factor, but it is still a component of ranking your website. Google is quick to point out that if a non-mobile-friendly page has the best (most relevant) information, it will still rank higher than a mobile site with similar content.

The Bottom Line

All business owners should begin to see more traffic in their logs from Googlebot Smartphone. Google search results will contain snippets that have been generated from the content on the mobile version. Though Google has historically used the desktop version of your site for its indexing purposes, times they are a’changin’.

We can either get on board with the changes or be left out in the cold. Most business owners are already hard at work making sure their mobile website is the best it can be. For those who are willing to go the extra mile, this could be a great time of increases in traffic and sales. The sites that are ready to go are the ones that consumers will flock to for all their buying needs.


Microsoft Office 365 Service Trust Portal: What It Is and How It Works

Data protection and compliance is a major concern for organizations worldwide. With the introduction of the Service Trust Portal, organizations working to support or protect the privacy rights of individuals in Microsoft’s online environment can now rest easy.

Defining the Service Trust Portal

This is a one-stop shop for security, regulatory compliance, and privacy information related to the Microsoft Cloud. The Service Trust Portal, also referred to simply as STP, is a service feature available within Microsoft Office 365 that provides current and prospective users of the platform with a wealth of insight into how the tech giant manages privacy, compliance, and security.

This platform is the location where Microsoft shares information that organizations need to perform due diligence and evaluate all of Microsoft’s cloud services. Microsoft has launched this service as a way to help improve transparency, enhance understanding, and simplify assessments for its users.

What is contained on the STP

The Microsoft Service Trust Portal (STP) contains quite a bit of useful information aggregated from all across the Microsoft cloud services. It also has tools and other resources that organizations need for all things concerning security, compliance, and privacy.

Detailed information

STP is home to in-depth information regarding Microsoft’s way of managing security and how you can access it as a user. The portal has information about compliance and privacy within the Office 365 environment, with the goal of making it easier for users to understand how Microsoft cloud services safeguard data so they can meet their own regulatory compliance objectives.

These include audit reports from independent third-party service providers. Users can find information regarding the ways in which Microsoft’s online services may be able to help organizations comply with regulations and laws. The following standards are included:

  • NIST, or the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • FedRAMP, or the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program
  • ISO, or the International Organization for Standardization
  • SOC, or the Service Organization Controls
  • General Data Protection Regulation, abbreviated as GDPR

The regulatory environment is just as dynamic as business risks. With all the compliance-related documents in this platform including audit reports, frequently-asked questions, white papers, and more, you’ll be able to learn everything you care to know.

Assessment tools

There are a rich variety of tools on the platform. These include the resources you’ll need for data protection, risk assessment, and compliance management. These resources should simplify your compliance journey.

Microsoft Cloud compliance resources

STP is also loaded with other resources about Microsoft’s security, privacy, and compliance practices. Essentially, these are centralized resources for all of Microsoft’s Cloud services.

Accessing the Service Trust Portal

STP is a free resource available to everybody; both existing Microsoft online services customers and those who are simply evaluating the cloud-based platform.

To access the Microsoft Service Trust Portal or any of the STP materials, you must be logged in to the platform with your Microsoft cloud services account.

Whether you have an Azure Active Directory account or a Microsoft account, log into that account to take advantage of all the tools and resources now available. You will be asked to accept their Non-Disclosure Agreement for Compliance Materials, so click on “Accept” to move forward.

If you are a current Microsoft cloud services registered user, you can access the Service Trust Portal at with any of the following internet subscriptions available for both trial and paid users:

  • Office 365
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Microsoft Intune

New customer sign-up

If you are just considering Microsoft online services for the first time or as a new user, you have the option to create a new account or create a trial account. Either of these should allow you to access the Service Trust Portal.

That said, you can use any of the following sign-up forms to gain access to the Microsoft STP. Ensure that you enable Azure Active Directory at the time of signing up to support your access to the STP.

After you are logged into STP, you can access any of the content available on the platform by navigating to the section containing the item you’re looking for and clicking on it.

To review content on the STP, pick an option from the menu: Audit Reports, Data Protection, Azure Security and Compliance Blueprints, Poland Compliance, Romania Compliance.

Once you locate the item you need, you can click on it and download it locally for your own use. Other resources such as the FAQs are serviceable from within the STP, so you won’t have to constantly download documents to your hard drive.

Wrap up

You’ll be happy to know that Microsoft is regularly adding more tools to STP to empower organizations. So, you’ll want to keep checking back to STP for the latest available information.

Service Trust Portal

What Are Code Signing SSL Certificates and Why Use Them?

The concept of Code Signing SSL Certificates includes protecting users against phony software and assuring that the software is not infected with a virus. Most reputable companies require this certificate before accepting a product and using it. In today’s world, it’s the safest method of guaranteeing that software has not been altered or compromised.

Secure SSL Certificates

Types of Code Signing SSL Certificates

There are several types of Code Signing SSL Certificates. The Business Validation SSL certificate requires that the software manufacturer or developer provide verification documents to the Certificate Authority. Once these documents are submitted, it can take three days for approval. This approval guarantees the authenticity of the digital program.

Code Signing SSL Certificates for Individuals are used less, though still important. If an individual programmer creates an app or software product and wants to include a Code Signing SSL Certificate, then the programmer must provide documents that prove his/her identity.  The Certificate Authorities check to make sure this person is who he says and that he is the author of the digital work.

What is a Code Signing SSL Certificate?

This certificate is a way for the programmer to digitally sign his or her work. An authentic Code Signing SSL Certificate includes a company or individual’s name, their signature, and often a timestamp, though this is not required. With this certificate, end users can feel confident that the program will work as promised.  SSL Certificates are used on software programs, applications, script, code, and drivers.

Improving Internet Security

Security on the World Wide Web has become an important commodity. There are phishing attacks launched daily. Along with that, ransomware has become quite prevalent. Attackers lock your computer files then demand a ransom be paid, usually in Bitcoin. Add to that so many computer viruses and worms hidden within suspicious links that it’s difficult to keep up today.

In spite of the great amount of publicity about these attacks, many are successful due to a poorly educated public. Most users admit they sometimes click on links or visit sites they probably shouldn’t. It’s human to think that bad things only happen to other people.

Large reputable companies like Microsoft simply can’t take chances with their security or risk exposing end users to harm. The cost in both time and money would be too great; not to mention the damage to their reputation. That makes the Code Signing SSL Certificate very critical to businesses with a strong reputation to protect.


With this certificate, we can be assured of two important elements:

  • Content Source Authentication — ensures the developer’s code legitimacy
  • Content Integrity — verifies that the code is authentic and has not been tampered with

How to view the SSL Certificate

To authenticate a software program, click on the certificate that has been issued. You should be able to view the publisher’s name. There may be other information such as a timestamp. If it isn’t there, then the software originates from an “Unknown Publisher”. It may or may not be authentic. It could contain spyware, ransomware, malware, or other viruses. In some cases, thieves download authentic-looking programs onto your computer with a dangerous script running in the background. These lines of code can allow the Software Pirate to steal passwords and/or personal information.

How do Code Signing SSL Certificates work?

Just like other SSL Certificates, the Code Signing Certificate is created based on the public-private key pair. Though a key pair is related mathematically, the private key can only be decrypted by its original owner. Public keys are made available to anyone with access to the public repository. If you have a message that you only want one person to be able to read, this can be done using a private key. It always remains confidential and private to its respective owner.

This history of Cryptography

The concept of cryptography began as early as 1874 when William Stanley Jevons wrote a book called The Principles of Science. In it, he described various ways of creating a message that could only be read by the intended party. His theory was to produce a long random number that could only be known by one other person. For years, various mathematicians worked on the idea until 1970 when a British cryptographer working for the UK government came up with what he called, “non-secret encryption”.

Cryptographers and scientists saw the important applications for military use. Being able to send messages that the enemy could not read became a vital function of national security for all governments. Though this type of cryptography is still used today, it’s more common usage now is to protect software programs from alteration.

Why are SSL Certificates necessary?

When an application or program does not have a Code Signing SSL Certificate, any programmer can go into it and change lines of code however they want. This leaves everyone vulnerable. Maybe the programmer improved the software but maybe he added a Trojan worm.  Individuals and especially companies have a lot at risk and simply cannot afford to download malware or ransomware that would lock up all their files.

Reputable software manufacturers want to ensure that their products are free from tampering and the Code Signing SSL Certificate makes alteration impossible. It’s the perfect way to let users know that the software or app is authentic.

The process of creating a Code Signing SSL Certificate

There are multiple steps required in the process of creating the Code Signing SSL Certificate. The process begins with the actual code signing itself. This confirms the identity of the person or company that created the software. The steps are briefly outlined below:

  1. The software developer requests a Code Signing SSL Certificate.
  2. The identity of the developer is certified.
  3. A special Code Signing program is used to attach the SSL certificate to the software as a digital signature.
  4. The developer can now send the program out to publishers.
  5. Publishers double check to make sure the digital signature is authentic.
  6. A time stamp is often entered so that the certificate doesn’t expire.

Cybersecurity Awareness: A Thorn in the Flesh For Local Government Agencies

Local government agencies are concerned by the lack of cybersecurity awareness among government employees and end users. This was a shocking discovery learned from a poll conducted by the Public Technology Institute back in September 2017. The poll found that there were two major factors that were working as obstacles to better cybersecurity. The number one issue was training employees and end users. The number two problem was financial constraints. The survey targeted Public Technology Institute’s city and county government membership as respondents.

Cyber Security Awareness

The quick poll which was titled, How Secure is Your Local Government?[1] found that:

  • 42% of the respondents have not performed a network security audit within the past 12 months.
  • 62% do not have a formal breach response policy.
    48% do not provide comprehensive security and awareness training to end users/government employees.
  • 54% of the responding organizations do not have cyber liability or data breach insurance.
  • Only 55% have an enterprise-wide cybersecurity plan.
  • 71% have a staff person responsible for managing their cybersecurity efforts.

Good news and bad news

Though some of these statistics are alarming, some do show that the government is beginning to take cybersecurity seriously. They understand the importance of protecting the personal information of the public.

The topic of cybersecurity has been ranking as a top of priority in other forums, such as the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). In their “State CIO Ten Priorities for 2017” report[2], security and risk issues were ranked as major concerns.

Nick Wilding, head of cyber resilience and best practice at AXELOS, argued that “Staff should be a business’ most effective security control, but are typically one of their greatest vulnerabilities.”

He warned that “Organizations need to be more certain that they are engaging their people effectively.” He went on to say that the person or entity with the most to lose in case of a security breach should bear the majority of the responsibility for sound security procedures. This can be achieved by training and equipping the stakeholders with important knowledge and the tools they need to deal with the threats that loom on the horizon.

Relevance of training

Cybersecurity is dynamic in the sense that it can be likened to a deadly virus that keeps changing in form and improving its own composition against attacks from antidotes. As soon as the cure is found, it has already changed itself and the new cure is no longer sufficient to kill it completely. That is why employees and end users must be better equipped with the ability to anticipate the ever-changing methods used by hackers. Training employees and end users must be completed at regular intervals. It will not work if it’s only conducted once or twice. This is the most effective way to ensure that cyber breaches will end someday.

Best practices

The awareness training provided should be directly related to the job description of the recipient trainee with consideration to the information security risks they face. Users should be aware of threats such as phishing and social engineering. They should also be taught the importance of having strong password protection. Too many people still use easy-to-discern passwords and/or the same passwords across multiple accounts. They must be taught new techniques for creating passwords that are difficult to crack. This can only be achieved by conducting the training periodically.

Financial Resources

Most local governments have adopted their cybersecurity framework from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and that of the FBI’S Criminal Justice Information Services. These agencies offer important security guidelines.

However, local and federal governments have suffered massive data breaches in the past, which have led to the erosion of public trust. Though government agencies have learned a great deal from these experiences, the general public may still not trust that the government has it all together when it comes to cyber threats. In their defense, the government is working continuously on programs and procedures that will anticipate attacks in advance. They’re using the best technology to find and close loopholes in their security grid. And lastly, they are starting to train employees on cyber security best practices.


Human error has been responsible for some the worst data breaches, but local governments are still seen as the culprit when it comes to the mishandling of important data. The public has a right to expect its government to work harder and do more to protect the personal information of citizens. Consumers believe that the government has unlimited resources when it comes to solving problems like this, so there’s no excuse for them to stumble. Of course, the issues are much more complicated than that, but the sooner every organization has the best cyber security available on the planet, the sooner we can all go back to buying and selling online without worry.

