What Are The Benefits Of Managed Services To Local Companies

benefits of managed IT services

benefits of managed IT services

Depending on their scope and impact on your workday, tech issues can take hours to resolve, if not days. In some cases, you may spend far too much time tracking down a problem, only to come up empty-handed in the end. In others, such as security breaches, you may not even know there is an issue until the damage has been done. If you and your team have been handling any tech issues that arise on your own, you could greatly benefit from partnering with a managed IT service provider. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from this partnership.

Increases Speed of IT Repairs

When you acquire managed IT services for your company, you can report any and all tech issues as they arise and receive a prompt response. Upon receiving your call, your managed service provider will immediately look into the problem and find the most effective solution. With their years of experience in this realm, their IT experts have likely come across the problem before and already know how to fix it. This makes for very speedy service that helps keep your business operations moving forward without disruption.

Prevents Tech Issues

Managed IT services prove extremely valuable in the prevention of tech issues of all kinds. From malware attacks to hardware failure, your IT service professionals can stay ahead of the leading issues and potentially keep them from cropping up at all. Through these preventative actions, you can avoid unnecessary downtime that could otherwise derail the work efforts of your entire staff.

Improves Employee Productivity

When your employees can hand off tech issues to a dedicated, outsourced team, they can remain on task in fulfilling their daily work duties. This keeps their productivity high, so you can meet your daily business goals and continue to push the annual growth of the company. With your employees on task, rather than dealing with IT issues, your business operations can continue running smoothly day after day.

Boosts Data Security

Computer software and hardware issues can have a detrimental impact on the security of your business data. Especially since most of these problems remain hidden from view until a catastrophic loss of data occurs. Therefore, your company and client information likely remain at risk without help from a skilled IT expert. These professionals specialize in optimizing security at the network, server and workstation levels, so you can focus on running your business without worry.

Ensures Regulatory Compliance

With improved data security, you can rest assured that you are not breaching regulatory compliance rules for your industry. Your managed IT service professionals stay on the cutting edge of security to ensure their clients always remain in compliance. You can customize your service plan with the right level of protection for your company and its associated industry regulations.

Decreases Equipment Upkeep and Repair Expenses

You can decrease the amount you spend on upkeep and repair of your equipment with oversight from skilled IT professionals. These pros will only perform the necessary tasks that are required to maintain your daily business operations. Their ability to track down the problem and fix it the first time around will likely prove invaluable as you work on minimizing downtime and boosting employee productivity. These professionals can also help you time and plan your equipment upgrades perfectly to avoid wasting money on unnecessary items or overspending on parts.

Works Well for Any Budget

With your managed service partnership, you can build your custom IT plan around the exact needs of your company. You can select the items that will benefit you the most and leave the rest. If you only need computer and cloud support, for example, you can leave all server-related services off your plan. You are not locked into the services you select in the beginning either. You can also make adjustments to the scope of your managed IT service plan as you expand your operations.

Ability to Easily Expand

As your business achieves phenomenal growth, you will likely need to add computer equipment and make other key adjustments to accommodate your team and their needs. Your managed IT service provider can help you develop a plan that supports your current and future levels of growth. You can build a stronger network, upgrade your software and add computers to your workplace, for example, in support of your company’s continued success.

Peace of Mind

When you sign up for managed services, you will give yourself true peace of mind in knowing that all your IT needs are handled. You can call for service any time that your computer equipment acts up or software programs fail to operate as expected. You will receive support and oversight in the prevention of problems that would otherwise cause much downtime for your employees. Through all the managed IT service benefits, peace of mind comes out on top as it allows you to focus on what really matters –accelerating the success of your company.

Setting Up Your Managed IT Service Plan

With a look at these managed IT service benefits, it is clear that there are many ways this arrangement can boost the success of your business. You can get started in building this partnership by calling your preferred managed service provider. With this call, you can share the network, equipment and other IT needs of your company to start building your plan.

If you are uncertain of your company’s IT needs, that is okay. Using their skills and expertise, your service provider will assist in identifying the areas that will help your business grow and thrive. Your IT pros will also take a close look at your industry, including all regulations, to help you find the appropriate level of service for your company’s success through the years.

Report: Financial Firms See Alarming 480% Increase In Data Breaches

Financial Service Firms Data Breaches

Financial Service Firms Data Breaches

Financial service firms: beware. Your data is a target. A new report out of the United Kingdom (UK) cannot underscore enough the severity of the issue. But it is nothing new. The FBI has put the alarms on since 2011, from threats of account takeovers to third-party payment processor breaches to securities and market trading exploitation to mobile banking exploitation and even supply chain infiltration, among other ways. Hackers are more advanced and more prevalent than ever. What is shocking about the new statistics from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the sheer increase of breaches after the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Here’s what to know and what to do.

Alarming Statistics from the FCA

The numbers are alarming and demonstrate a real concern among financial institutions and the protection of their assets and data. The total number of breaches reported by UK financial services firms to the FCA was 145 in 2018, which was up from 25 in 2017. That makes it an increase of 480%.

The breakdown of the 145 reported breaches is shown in the below chart (as provided by the FCA) with the last three years also included — this demonstrates the stark increase in reported breaches over the course of four years.

Sector 2018 2017 2016 2015
General Insurance & Protection 33 7 1 3
Pension Savings & Retirement Income 9
Retail Banking & Payments 25 1 1 1
Retail Investments 11 1
Retail Lending 21 4 1
Wholesale Financial Markets 34 3
Investment Management 12 10 3

Why was there a dramatic increase in breaches in 2018?

There are a number of theories why financial services firms in the UK reported 480% more data breaches in 2018 than the previous year. The percentage alone is enough to send warning alarms throughout the work, but do the reasons justify the urgency?

  • First, the financial services sector offers a lot of what hackers want: data and money.
  • Second, much of the financial services sector has not been using the most advanced technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to protect their information and data, according to a report conducted by Accenture and released in 2018, Cost of Cybercrime: Financial Services. In fact, “only 26% have deployed AI-based security technologies and 31% advanced analytics.”
  • Third, hackers themselves are becoming more numerous, bolder, and more sophisticated — alongside the advancement of technology.
  • Fourth, the GDPR came into effect in 2018, which requires reporting breaches within 72 hours of discovery — so the increase in the statistics may be — in part — due to a legal requirement to report the breaches.

Thus, the combination of all these things: the financial services’ data, the desire of hackers to obtain that data, the limited protections financial services firms have had in place until recently, and the new requirement to report all play a role in the dramatic increase in reported breaches. So, not all is as bad as it seems. The increase can be in part attributed to the new requirement to report the breaches as opposed to earlier years when such a requirement was not present, and such reporting could be damaging to the reputation of the financial institution — thus, an incentive not to report until it became required.

What can financial services firms do to protect themselves better from hackers and data breaches?

Whether you are in the UK or the United States or elsewhere, financial services firms can protect themselves. It all involves a well-crafted IT plan-of-action that can include any of the below options according to the firm’s needs, wants, and specifications.

Implement and Education & Training Strategy

First thing’s first, you need to educate yourself and your firm on cybersecurity and cyber attacks. You need to know how hackers are hacking into your systems. You need to know what the latest technology is to counter hackers, including AI. You need to be informed on data management and data destruction and disposal. And you need to inform all staff and employees. The problem in data breaches is not only related to hackers hiding in a dark space using malware and other devices and software to obtain access to confidential information, but they use tricks via email and other means to gain access from, for example, unsuspecting and uninformed employees who open emails without thinking twice and who use poor passwords without consideration for how easy they are to be hacked.

An informed company and an informed staff are your first line of business. An internal team can conduct education awareness and training or else a third-party vendor can be hired to do so. It comes down to how large your firm is and what your resources are to manage it.

Assess Your Current Technology & Identify What You Need

You need to assess the current status of your technology, challenges, and vulnerabilities so that you can recognize what you need and where you need it. There are different ways or approaches a firm can take to assess its technology needs, but in general, it should include:

  • Gathering information on company and employee needs, considering functional needs, software requirements, technical requirements, and security needs (i.e., natural threats from environmental conditions, intentional human threats (e.g., hackers and disgruntled employees), and unintentional threats (e.g., poor password creation or unintentional leaks).
  • Reviewing the information gathered and prioritizing identified needs.
  • Document the results from your findings so that you have the information in one accessible location from which you can build a plan.

Acquire the Technology You Need & Implement It

Once you have the information you need, design a multi-layered system that is:

  1. Adaptive;
  2. Responsive; and
  3. Preventative.

Financial services firms can no longer stand to be reactive; too much is at stake. Once you know and prioritize what you need, acquire it and implement it. Research to ensure you purchase the best in technology and/or hire the best third-party vendor (e.g., a managed services firm). The goal here is to bring those statistics back down, or in the least, maintain them.

Top New Additions To Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 has rolled out an impressive array of new features that business owners will appreciate. These range from handy mobile-to-PC interactions to intuitive, behind-the-scenes IT integrations to keep a business running smoothly. Here are some of the standout new additions to Office 365 that were specifically created with business managers in mind.

1. New Digital Pen Features

The Microsoft digital pen has some new tricks up its sleeve that make it easier than ever to edit your important documents. It’s like having an entire editing suite rolled into a single device, and it all but eliminates the need to type or use the mouse while editing. The digital pen lets you insert words or line breaks, split or change words, cross out paragraphs, circle text and leave detailed comments.

2. Embedded 3D Animations

3D animations can now be embedded directly into Word documents and PowerPoint slides with no coding required. Microsoft made this extremely easy to use: Insert a 3D model into the slide, select from a list of pre-built animations, click ‘Apply’ and the animation does its thing.

3. Blurred Background on Video Calls

Business managers who use a remote workforce will appreciate this feature. Video callers can now automatically blur out their backgrounds to minimize distractions and increase meeting productivity. No more worrying about video calls from the home office or a busy workplace — just blur it out.

4. Powerful PowerPoint Upgrades

This is a really cool feature for managers. Need a PowerPoint slide in a hurry? Office 365 now lets you draw your slides by hand on a tablet and convert your “chicken scratches” into a professionally-designed PowerPoint presentation in just a few minutes. PowerPoint now has digital design recommendations that it will make to recreate your sketches. This includes layouts, text suggestions and icons. The end result will look like you had the graphic design department laboring over it for hours.

5. Publish-to-Web Upgrades

Microsoft Office has allowed users to publish documents as web pages for years, but this feature just keeps getting better. Office 365 now allows users to publish docs as Sway websites by clicking ‘File’ and ‘Transform.’ It’s a big time-saving feature. It can also be used for publishing training documents, newsletters, pitch decks and product pages.

6. Compatibility Checks

This Office 365 addition allows you to make system upgrades without suffering any downtime from incompatibility issues. Microsoft’s most recent desktop application lets you check compatibility of apps before you run a system upgrade. Managers can save time and money, and keep things running smoothly by using this upgrade.

7. Robust Data Compliance

Office 365 has a long list of compliance certifications that are now directly integrated with the software. This is an incredibly helpful feature for public-private businesses, government organizations and non-profits that deal with a lot of regulatory compliance issues. For example, Office 365 now offers HIPAA and HITRUST CSF Certification for medical organizations, which allows them to remain security- and privacy-compliant in their documentation. Other certifications include AICPA Service Organization Control Reports, FedRAMP authorizations, FIPS 140-2 Cryptography, and much more. Microsoft also maintains a dedicated compliance team that monitors regulatory changes and quickly recommends changes to keep data compliance up-to-date.

8. Increased IT Management and Resolutions

Microsoft’s SharePoint Admin Center has some upgrades that IT departments will truly appreciate. The system now allows easier management of Office 365 group-connected sites and hubs. IT admins can now restrict access from non-compliant devices, automatically kick idle users out, and restrict or allow access from known IP addresses. The latest iteration also has a number of security upgrades and compliance upgrades.

These Office 365 upgrades were clearly designed from a business manager’s perspective. Microsoft has made the latest additions intuitive and simple to integrate in order to keep your business running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Georgia County Pays $400,000 Ransom

Jackson County GA Ransomware

Not even Georgia county governments are safe from ransomware attacks.

Jackson County just paid a $400,000 ransom after hackers used a ransomware attack to deactivate their computer systems. It’s still not known how the hackers managed to breach their county IT defenses and breach the computer network.

You can read about it here.

Concerned about ransomware?  Don’t want to get stuck paying a $400,000 ransom?

Call me at {phone} or drop me an email at {email}.

How To Create Information Gathering Forms With Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Forms

It may surprise you, but Microsoft Office 365 has a fantastic solution for creating simple quizzes, polls and surveys — and you already have access to this functionality! Microsoft Forms is relatively new, as it was only launched in June 2016, but this lightweight web app is an excellent way to gather feedback or plan activities. You can even use the information offline, which makes it handy for reviewing information that was submitted even if you’re not physically at your desk.

How Can I Create Forms and Surveys with Office 365?

The steps required to create surveys are straightforward and don’t require a great deal of technical knowledge. You can find the full instructions on Microsoft’s support website, but this quick snapshot should be enough to get most people started. Since the forms use Microsoft Office 365, each cloud-based form or quiz saves automatically as you move through the questions.

  • Log into your Office 365 account by going to forms.office.com.
  • Select the option to create a new form or quiz.
  • Enter a title for your new form and the optional subtitle — be specific enough that the name will make sense out of context for others!
  • From here, you can add questions and include a variety of options for answers such as Choice, Text, Rating, Ranking or Date questions. You can even create Net Promoter Score questions when you click the More *** option.
  • Complete your form or quiz by adding as many questions and types of answers as you would like.
  • You can even add Other options that allow users to input additional text
  • As you’re moving through your questions, be sure to select Required on any questions that you want to force users to answer before stepping to the next question. If you do not select Required, users will be able to advance through the survey without making a selection.

The user interface is very simple, but quite intuitive for most users. There are several thoughtful additions to the form setup that will help you stay productive and quickly create your forms. For instance, when you create a question such as Which day of the week should we go? the artificial intelligence in the form will automatically suggest all seven days. You can then select which days you’d like to add as answers.

User-Friendly Options to Automate Your Form

Creating a form is pretty easy, but what about organizing the various questions? The Office 365 Form module allows you to shift the order of the questions once you’ve created the quiz or survey, smoothing the process for form creators and for users. You can also copy questions to reduce the amount of typing required during the form creation process. Need to have someone enter an answer only in numbers? No problem! You can restrict responses to only accept numbers, and even limit the range of numbers that you will accept in the form. That means less time on the back end as you’re interpreting survey or form results. You can even select a theme for your form or add some graphics to make it more fun and engaging for users.

How Can I Send My Form or Survey to Users?

Once you have finalized your form, the only thing left to do is send it out to your users! Fortunately, this is just as intuitive as the form creation process since everything is fully integrated into Microsoft Office 365′s cloud-based platform. You’ll simply choose whether to share the survey to others in your organization or if you want to open the form for those outside your Office 365 ecosystem. Once you’ve determined your sharing options, copy the link to the survey and include it an email, SMS text or instant message to your selected audience. You can even create and download QR codes or embed the form on a landing page.

How Do I get Responses to Microsoft Office 365 Forms or Surveys?

The Microsoft team has made it extremely easy to gain access to the form or survey responses. Each survey has a Responses tab, where you will find everything that you need to know, including;

  • Number of responses
  • Average time it took respondents to complete the survey
  • The current status of the survey (Active or Inactive)

You can also download the results of the survey to Microsoft Excel or even flow the data to Microsoft’s analytics platform: Power BI.

While the Microsoft Office 365 Forms option doesn’t have quite as many options for branching as you would find in a dedicated survey tool such as SurveyMonkey or Typeform, it is a fast and intuitive way to quickly get responses from your audience. What makes it even more attractive is that it’s included for free in your Office 365 license.

Microsoft Forms

Is Having a vCIO Essential?


vcio services

Are your company processes aligned with the technology you have? Have you purchased different software for different things when one software could have been used for multiple things? Do you feel there are technological gaps or challenges not being appropriately addressed? Is your company providing its services or products in the most optimal way? Do you want systems streamlined to meet company goals?

If you have any one of these questions or any others like them, then you may be in need of a vCIO. But is a vCIO just another expense for your company or is it essential to obtaining optimal performance and achieving goals? Here’s what you need to know and should consider.

What is a vCIO?

A vCIO, short for virtual Chief Information Officer, provides all the functions of a CIO that large firms employ to develop strategies designed to leverage technology for optimal business performance. The CIO looks to technology for solutions, aligns it with business needs and goals, and measures its success by establishing metrics. In addition, the CIO keeps informed of all new opportunities and technological developments to ensure the company is up-to-date and on course for success.

Thus, a CIO is vital to an organization’s development, growth, and continued success. The one difference between a CIO and a vCIO, however, is this: resources. A full-time CIO is expensive and requires a lot of resources. You have to provide an office, a workstation, a good salary, and benefits. Those are costs that medium to smaller sized organizations would like to avoid. A vCIO allows these companies to benefit from the skills and knowledge of a CIO without having to put forth the full expense of one. A vCIO can be retained on an as-needed basis, so you pay only for the times you benefit from his or her services. In sum, your smaller company outsources a vCIO and receives larger company executive-level expertise at an affordable basis.

What benefits can a vCIO bring to your company?

To know the benefits a vCIO would bring to your company, a good starting point is understanding better what a vCIO actually does.

A vCIO is equipped with pretty much the same duties and responsibilities that a CIO is, and these include:

  • Analyzing IT. A vCIO assesses the hardware and software you use as well as your overall IT infrastructure and aligns it with your business processes and business goals. This analysis allows the vCIO to understand your work processes as well as to identify any challenges, gaps, and tech solutions. Based on this analysis, a vCIO will recommend hardware, software, and IT infrastructure expenditures.
  • Strategizing. A vCIO’s primary goal is using technology strategically. The vCIO will develop a plan to create and manage an IT system that helps the company achieve goals. The vCIO has a deep knowledge of technology and business and is able to incorporate both to benefit companies. To incorporate the strategy, the vCIO will work with other stakeholders and direct the IT roadmap.
  • Adding Value. A vCIO makes sure that the technology used brings value to the company by helping employees do their jobs better and by providing services and information, among other things, to clients more efficiently. A vCIO makes sure employees and clients get what they need.
  • Providing information. They are not called chief information officers for no reason. vCIOs must stay current on all things related to technology, including things that pose as risks to the company, technologically speaking. The vCIO will know all the industry trends and will analyze what the future holds so that the company invests in the right technology now and does not lose out later because of it.

These are the broad responsibilities of a vCIO, and through these responsibilities — if executed well — the company benefits. By leveraging technology strategically and successfully, a vCIO helps the company increase its employee and customer/client satisfaction while also increasing revenue and decreasing expenses.

In this way, the ultimate benefit of a vCIO is this: competitive edge. A vCIO can be that competitive advantage your company has over the competition.

Does your company need a vCIO?

In today’s market, no matter what industry you are in, technology plays a role. And technology is changing and evolving all the time, and with the latter come new opportunities as well and new challenges. No company today should be without an information officer, but so many are, and that’s why so many companies fail to achieve their goals. An information officer brings together technology advancements with company goals, and through this strategic alignment, magic happens.

So the question should really be: do you need a full-time CIO or a vCIO? The answer is dependent on several factors.

  • Number of employees. How many employees does your company have? Generally speaking, a company employing 250 people or fewer may benefit from a vCIO, but larger companies typically require full-time CIOs.
  • Technology. How much is your company reliant on technology? What are your security needs? How many employees are dependent on technology for their day-to-day tasks? How is data stored and managed?
  • Company Growth. Do you intend to grow your company? If so, when and how?
  • Business Goals. What are your business goals? How do you intend to reach those goals?
  • Resources. What resources, especially in terms of financial resources, does your company have? A vCIO saves you money and helps you increase profits, but the initial costs must be considered.

There are no straightforward means to determine if your company needs a vCIO or not. You must consider the above factors and weigh your answers. Technology today is complex. Its application for strategic purposes is complex. Its benefits, however, are many. Can a vCIO take your company where you want it to go, and can it do so faster, more efficiently, and more effectively?

Is a vCIO essential to your company?

Now for the real question: is the vCIO essential to your business? The short answer: yes. But if you are still unsure, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your company have a go-to IT person who knows all things technology?
  • Is the technology your company has being used fully and strategically?
  • Are you creating value through your technology?
  • Is your data safe and secure?
  • Are your employees satisfied?
  • Are your clients/customers satisfied?
  • Do you see growth in the future?
  • Do your IT infrastructure and your business procedures lead to outcomes that achieve business goals?
  • Do you have a competitive advantage over your competitors?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then that can be problematic. A vCIO can ensure that all the above questions are answered affirmatively, and when that’s the case, you can rest assured your company is performing optimally. So, ask yourself now: is a vCIO essential to your company? Then act; do your research and find a vCIO that will fit well with your company.

How Much Time Are You Losing To Technology Issues?

Technology Issues

Technology Issues

No matter how good technology gets, technical issues are still and will continue to be a major cause of lost productivity for individuals and companies. Problems with slow or crashed computers, loss of internet service, printers not working, dropped telephone calls, and other annoying little gremlins are costing companies millions of dollars a year, including yours. Whenever your tech isn’t working the way it should, you’re losing revenue and it quickly adds up.

A Sobering Statistic

To get an idea of just how costly all those little glitches are, consider the results of a recent survey by Robert Half Technology. The study found that, on average, workers spend about 22 minutes each day dealing with some type of IT issue. That adds up to an eye-opening 91 hours annually or two weeks of downtime for each employee in your organization.

So think about what that equals in loss of revenue. Some people generate more than others of course. But if you have a professional who’s billing by the hour, for example, or a salesperson who is bringing in say $10,000 per week, and they’re out of commission for two weeks each year, that soon starts to add up to some serious money.

IT issues will always be a fact of life for modern companies to one degree or the other but there is a proven way to keep them to a minimum and reduce their impact on your business operations. It all depends on how well your managed services provider, or your in-house team, addresses your needs and resources.

A Matter Of Strategy And Priorities

A good provider will devote time and resources to two key priorities:

  • Optimizing your technology resources, regularly monitoring and testing your system to make sure it’s functioning at its optimal performance, and preventing problems from occurring in the first place, not just reacting when an emergency happens.
  • Devising a strategy that implements the type of technology that will best serve your company’s unique and specific needs.

If you have systems and equipment in place that you don’t necessarily need, that’s a drain on your resources and budget and creates more complexity, and thus more opportunities for things to go wrong. If, on the other hand, you don’t have the capabilities you need, efficiency and productivity will be hampered.

An experienced and professional managed services provider will ensure that your organization has the right balance, providing you with the optimum in performance. They will also monitor your system in real time to spot potential problem areas, and to be able to react quickly when they do happen.

Your technology partner should be willing to work with you on a personal basis to devise a plan that will best fit your needs, and they should always be available. If you have a question or an issue, you don’t want to reach an answering machine or service.

It’s easy for a business to get used to minor tech issues and become complacent about them. But the fact is that they’re costing you more money than you know. Finding a good IT partner could be one of the best business decisions you’ll make.

What Can Businesses Learn From The First GDPR Fines?

GDPR Consulting

GDPR Consulting

Less than a year ago, the European Union instituted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect customer rights to data privacy.

The regulation created quite a stir in May 2018 when it was enacted, and has recently created even more of a stir because the first fines for non-compliance have been levied. While the EU granted a short amnesty period to allow organizations to comply with the regulation, the fines definitely send a clear signal that the amnesty period is indeed over.

Companies are responsible for implementing GDPR-compliant data policies; complacency about the regulation will surely not win the day. No excuses — comply or be fined; the EU has definitely made good on its promise to staunchly defend citizen rights to privacy.

Thus far, there have been three notable penalties. One of the most visible is, of course, Google, which received a €50 million fine in France, courtesy of French data regulator CNIL (Commission Nationale de L’informatique). Google’s fault according to CNIL is the lack of transparency and unclear consent regarding advertisements.

In particular, Google did not have one clear source of information regarding how data is collected. Instead, the information was interspersed into various documents and websites, creating a nearly impossible task for the end user to be aware of how their personal data is actually being used.

The bottom line is that users must be able to make an informed choice about whether (or not) to consent to Google’s use of their data. The other important factor in the Google fine is that CNIL clearly sent a signal that Google can and will be regulated by every data privacy authority (DPA) within the European Union regarding the GDPR rules. Companies that were just focusing on the data privacy rules in their own country have definitely taken notice.

Google will inevitably appeal CNIL’s decision and organizations around the world are anxiously awaiting said outcome. If CNIL’s decision stands firm, companies will have to make changes in how they conduct similar online platforms. Simply said, the outcome could possibly create a profound change in the relationship between consumer and advertiser.

In Germany, a similar social media platform was fined €20,000 for a breach that compromised personal information like passwords and email addresses from more than 300,000 users. While this fine could have been much worse for the company, many industry experts state that the company was given a much lower penalty for how they handled the breach. The company’s saving grace was a proactive notification of both customers and the German GDPR data protection authorities.

This last example of a GDPR-levied fine definitely brings home the message of the lengths the EU will go to protect their citizens. In this case, an Austrian businessman was fined for placing a camera outside his business. The camera was not clearly identified as a CCTV camera, yet it was recording a public space outside his business.

Since GDPR began, the EU has received nearly 100,000 data privacy complaints from its citizens and over 40,000 data breach notifications from companies. Experts say these numbers are low because they are based on voluntary contributions from only 21 of the 28 EU member countries. The numbers therefore are actually much higher.

So far, the GDPR has reported levying 91 fines, with 60 of those fines levied by the German DPA alone. GDPR definitely changes the compliance risk for organizations across the world. Heftier and more numerous fines are expected to be handed out in 2019 as the EU moves into GDPR with full steam.

The United States was once the trailblazer of the world when it enacted the mandatory data breach notification laws and punishment sanctions for non-compliant businesses. Now, the U.S. Congress is closely following GDPR and may soon enact similar privacy considerations to rein in companies like Google, Facebook and others who offer free products and services at the expense of a user’s personal information. Congress understands that what a consumer discloses today can have far-reaching implications years later, and they are definitely watching the implementation of GDPR as Europe nears its first anniversary of enacting the law.

Are Hackers Targeting Managed Service Providers?

Hackers and MSPs

Hackers and MSPs

When you think about it, it makes sense that hackers might target managed services providers (MSPs) — those organizations that are responsible for protecting the data and technology systems for hundreds or even thousands of other organizations. The Department of Homeland Security recently alerted MSPs to the potential activity from hostile actors who were targeting large organizations in a new way. These nation-state hackers were using managed service providers who provide outsourced website management and cloud functions to infiltrate a variety of companies. While any organization can potentially be vulnerable, MSPs often maintain an increased state of alert to ensure that any infiltrations are quickly discovered and remediated before the threat can expand.

How Cybercriminals Are Targeting Their Attacks

Managed service providers often maintain direct and unfettered access to client information, making them a key target for hackers. While perhaps not a daily occurrence, security breaches happen to organizations of all sizes — much more often than business leaders would like to admit. Attacks against a well-defended organization such as a managed services provider take an exceptional level of coordination, often perpetrated by high-powered, international hackers. These organizations often attempt to gain access to an MSP by using malware to steal administrative credentials before tunneling deeper into the infrastructure to gain access to additional machines and software. This business information is then packed out of the platforms, allowing hostile foreign actors to gain access to sensitive personal, financial and business information.

Are Managed Services Providers Safe?

Maintaining a secure infrastructure for your business is core for MSPs, as they have the dedicated and knowledgeable staff focused on protecting client and business information. While a compromise within a service provider can spread quickly if it is unnoticed, the active reporting and review by security professionals is likely to catch any infiltration before it becomes widespread. One of the key ways that managed services providers are being attacked is through APTs, or Advanced Persistent Threat malware. These sneaky programs are designed to gain deep access before they are noticed, but managed service providers have programs that trigger alerts for review by human security professionals to maintain a high level of security for your business at all times.

Maintaining adequate security measures as well as advanced backup and recovery mechanisms is one of the best ways to thwart these hackers before they are able to negatively impact your business or your customers. Local and cloud-based backup procedures, as well as proactive and quick recovery strategies, can mean the difference between losing access to your information for days or even weeks and being able to quickly restore full operations to your business.

Warning: Foreign Hackers Compromised Citrix Systems

Citrix Data Breach

Citrix said the FBI warned them on Wednesday, March 6th that hackers compromised its IT systems and stole “business documents.” Citrix doesn’t know precisely which documents the hackers obtained nor how they got in.

It’s suspected that this is a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign supported by a nation-state. The consequences of the Citrix security incident could affect a broader range of targets, as the company holds sensitive data for many companies, including critical infrastructures for governments and enterprises.

For more information click here. Feel free to contact us for assistance if you’re concerned about your IT security.