Security Issues That May Leave Medical Practices Vulnerable

Security Healthcare

Security Healthcare

Healthcare providers have a legal obligation to keep patient data security, whether it’s at rest on a server or in transit to the cloud or a third party. To maintain regulatory compliance and the confidence of your patients, your practice needs to be vigilant in the technologies that it deploys to make sure that all personal and medical information is protected.

Unfortunately, hackers are using sophisticated means to steal this data, sell it or hold your medical practice hostage until you pay massive ransoms. The cost to your practice can be significant, both in dollars spent, patients who leave and reputation lost.

Your practice and patients need an IT solution that provides reliable services to protect data and monitor your IT systems. Otherwise, you leave the data far more vulnerable.

A managed service provider (MSP) that knows the complex issues facing medical businesses today is your best defense. Here’s a look at some of the most common IT issues facing practices and how you and your (MSP) can guard against them.

How Do I Manage All the Users Who Have Access to Patient Data?

Not all cyberattacks are perpetrated by outside parties. Employees — current and former — may have access to sensitive information, which is why processes and procedures need to be in place to manage access. Two common issues are:

  • Controlling Privileged Access. Your practice needs to routinely review which employees have administrative access or privileged accounts in your system. Assess access needs for employees who change roles within the practice and practice “need to know” procedures when determining who sees what.
  • Removing Accounts. Whenever an employee leaves a practice, especially if they are terminated, it’s important to remove their access immediately and inactivate their accounts. Many practices create generic accounts for vendors, contractors and consultants and forget to review and delete them. In addition to deletion in the moment, there should be a regular review of active accounts to make sure they are still necessary.

What Security Issues Are Due to Our Products?

Servers and software are major access points for disruption. There are a couple of common vulnerabilities that practices should look at:

  • Changing Default Credentials. Desktop computers, laptops, firewalls, wireless access points and routers come equipped with default usernames and passwords. These defaults are widely known. If you keep those credentials on the devices, you’re making it that much easier for hackers to gain access.
  • Changing Default Configurations. Just as with your devices, your operating system will come preconfigured with settings that should be changed immediately after installation.

What Do I Need To Do When Transmitting Data?

Many servers include services such as file transfer protocol (FTP), Telnet and terminal services. You should not transfer any information using these tools as they are easily “sniffed” by hackers using freely available methods. For example, FTP and Telnet need to regularly reauthenticate access credentials. Usernames and passwords are sent as text that can be easily accessed by third parties.

Data transfer should be done using sophisticated encryption protocols when transmitting and backing up data.

What Can I Do To Help Employees?

Your employees are your first line of defense against a cyberattack. Automation and education are the keys to prevention.

You need to make sure they are aware of methods used by bad actors and can detect suspicious emails and attachments that pose a major risk to the practice.

It also means making sure you have automated security tools in place to prevent attacks. You need to provide anti-spam, anti-malware and anti-phishing tools that run automatically on every connected device on your network. These software apps should be updated automatically to address the ever-emerging new viruses, worms and trojans that do damage.

You also need to make sure that patches to software and operating systems are applied automatically and immediately.

With some careful planning and the right technology partner, your health care business and its data will remain safe.

Is Your Business Ready for Voice Search?

Voice Search

Voice Search

It’s already obvious to most businesses that search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to business success. That’s because, being listed high in search engine results means a higher likelihood that consumers will go to your website and choose your company to do business with.

But what about voice search optimization? Is your business ready?

If you’re not familiar with the term, let’s start there before exploring how your business can prepare for this new wave of online searching.

What is a voice search?

Voice search simply refers to online searches (via sites like Google or Bing) that are carried out with a user’s voice. Think of someone driving in their car, looking for a place to have dinner. They may ask Siri, “What’s the closest Chinese food restaurant to where I am?” This is a voice search.

Why is voice search optimization important?

Alas, if you feel like you’ve only just begun to grasp the importance of SEO for text searches, strap in. The next new frontier is voice search optimization. It’s important because more and more people are doing it.

According to Andrew Ng, co-founder of Coursera, half of all online searches will be voice searches by 2020. While this has yet to be confirmed, there are certainly signs that the prediction is accurate.

For one thing, an increasing number of people are investing in smart speakers like Google Home, Apple HomePod, and Amazon Echo. Additionally, use of virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa (Amazon), Siri (Apple), and Cortana (Microsoft) are being utilized more.

While voice search use rates aren’t sky-high quite yet (a recent study found that 21% of respondents used voice search on a weekly basis), experts estimate that they soon will be.

What does this mean for your business?

At this time, it’s not necessary to put all of your efforts and marketing funds into voice search optimization. Furthermore, many of the things you’ve ideally already done to optimize your business for text searches will also help when it comes to voice searches.

Still, there are several key things that are unique to voice searches and voice search optimization:

  • Only “position zero” gets the spotlight. With a regular Google text search, search result position 1 (“position zero”) is best, but positions 2, 3, and 4 are still pretty good. When it comes to voice searches, however, Sir or Alexa will only read the first search result, which means you won’t even be seen if you’re in position 2 or beyond.
  • People use longer key phrases and questions with voice search. While a user might type “best dentist Denver” into Google Search, they might vocally ask Google Assistant: “Who is the best dentist in Denver?” This means you must optimize your content for both text and voice search key phrases.
  • There are several core inquiries that voice searchers will continually ask. Think about who usually voice searches and when. Often, it’s in situations where typing isn’t possible (e.g., while driving) or when the user wants one simple answer (e.g., “What time does the post office open?”) In these cases, businesses must first ensure the accuracy of their location information (address, phone number, hours, etc.). Second, they must optimize their content for quick and succinct answers to their most commonly asked questions.

As you can see, it’s wise to at least take some preliminary steps right now in order to ensure a seamless transition into the soon-to-be world of prevalent voice searching. This starts with assessing your company’s current voice search status and speaking with SEO professionals who can help optimize your content for voice search.

What Is Open Source Software?

Open Source Software

Open Source Software

For today’s tech blog we’re going to discuss open source software. What is it, and how is it different from other types of software? In simple terms, open source software is a term for any program whose source code has been publicly released, allowing for others to modify it however they like.

Software Types

It’s easiest to understand open source software in the context of other types of software, so here’s a refresher in the other major types.

Licensed Software

Licensed software is any computer application that requires licensing to be used. This licensing can be as simple as purchasing a digital download code for a single computer, or it can be a complex, enterprise-wide licensing agreement. Nearly all licensed software must be purchased to be used legally. Microsoft Office has long been an example of licensed software.

Cloud or Subscription-Based Software

Technically a subset of licensed software, cloud or subscription-based software requires a recurring subscription-style payment. If your payment lapses, the software may become inoperable. Examples here include Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft’s newer offering, Office 365.


Freeware is a broad term for software that’s distributed freely, with no expectation of payment for personal use. Install these at home as much as you like. Beware that some freeware is only free for personal use, though. If you want to use it in a corporate setting, you may need a license.

Open Source Software

Open source software takes the concept of freeware to the next level. To be considered open source, both the software and its source code must be freely available. Users are permitted (and even encouraged) to modify the source code to improve the software or to customize it for their own needs.

Open Source Certification

Open source as discussed above is a concept or philosophy. Developers who wish to release open source software with a sort of seal of approval can do so through the Open Source Initiative. This group offers a certification mark, Open Source (yes, it’s just the term we’ve been discussing, but with capital letters), which verifies that a piece of software meets certain qualifications.

To receive the Open Source designation, a piece of software must meet these two criteria.

  • The software is available to anyone else, restriction free.
  • The software’s source code is available for others to change and customize.

Additionally, provision is made so that the original creators can demand that future, customized versions of the software are clearly distinguished from the original, through naming or versioning.


By reading this tech blog post, you now understand what open source software is. If you’re wondering what it can do for your or your business, contact us today. We’re glad to help!

5 Must-Know Microsoft Outlook Hacks



Take a minute to pull out your phone. How many email notifications are staring at you? 100? 3,000? More? Drowning in email is no way to live—or to conduct business. An out-of-control personal email account can cause plenty of problems, like missed bill payments. Even worse, an out-of-control business email account can be disastrous.

No matter who you are or what your business does, email is a big part of your work. Unless you’re one of those productivity gurus who’s already achieved inbox zero, managing your inbox can be a frustrating, overwhelming task. If you’re using Microsoft Outlook to manage your work email, you might not be using this powerful program to its fullest potential. Here are 5 must-know Microsoft Office hacks that will help you gain control over your email.

1. Use Rules to Automatically Organize and File Emails

Microsoft Outlook has a powerful tool called Rules that can prevent many emails from ever landing directly in your inbox. If your business is like most, you receive many messages that fall into categories. Dealing with similar emails all at once can save time. Use rules to automatically route emails to specific destinations. Here’s how:

First, create a new folder (say, Admin Updates for all those company-specific emails you don’t need to read right away) by right-clicking on your inbox folder. Next, right-click on a message that you want to apply a rule to and select “Rules.” Outlook will try to figure out what kind of rule you want. If it doesn’t get it right, you can click “Create Rule…” or “Edit Rules…” and customize to your liking.

Try this for all sorts of email categories. Create folders for clients you interact with often, for “cold call” sales emails, and for newsletters you’re subscribed to. Reserve your main inbox for the unexpected.

2. Keep Customizing Rules, But Don’t Overdo It

Once you have a few basic rules in place, you’ll start to see the value. Keep customizing and adding rules to enhance your efficiency. The options included in the Rules menu are pretty deep. That said, don’t overdo it. It’s possible to set up so many folders you start to lose track of what goes where. We recommend starting out with 2 or 3 folders. Depending on your comfort level and the complexity of your role, you may eventually want to scale up to 5 to 10 folders, each with rules associated with it.

3. Use OneNote and Teams to Reduce Email Volume

As great a tool as email is, it’s not very good for real collaboration. That doesn’t stop groups of employees from trying to collaborate over email. Take a simple task—say, filling in an Excel chart. Over email, you’ll end up with multiple versions of the file being attached to emails, all in various states of completeness. Your team will eventually get the job done, but it’s laborious, distracting, and inefficient.

Microsoft has two main collaboration apps: OneNote and Teams. Both can help reduce email clutter.


OneNote started out as a high-powered note-taking software, and it’s evolved into a powerful collaboration tool. Share a tab or a notebook with a working group, and your team can collaborate on a document or a chart within OneNote. Another use is creating a notebook that’s a shared note-taking space. Creative or knowledge-based teams can benefit from this kind of central repository of knowledge.

Outlook integrates directly with OneNote with both “Move to OneNote” and “Open in OneNote” buttons. Use these to turn those pesky email threads into OneNote pages.


One of Microsoft’s newest additions to Office, Teams is Microsoft’s competitor to Slack. Each time you create a Team, you give a specific group of people (say, a project team) access to a dedicated space to collaboratively chat. You can post updates for your department, and they can ask department-wide questions in real time. Teams users can also use one-to-one and group chat within the application.

All that is just scratching the surface, though. When properly integrated with SharePoint, Teams gains the ability to open just about any Office program—Word, Excel, you name it—within the app, in a collaborative format. Five users can edit a Word doc simultaneously, right within teams. It’s an incredibly powerful tool for hacking your inbox.

4. Use Send Options Like Delayed Send

When composing an email, click “File” and then “Properties” in the menu of the email itself. You have a host of options available here, like setting importance and sensitivity levels or enabling voting and tracking. The best one, though, is delayed send. Check the box for “Do not deliver before” and set the time that makes sense, and you’ll appear to be an email wizard. Use this whenever you want a planned email to send when you’re not at your desk, such as scheduling an email to arrive just after a meeting ends.

5. Hack Scheduling: Use Calendar and Reply with Meeting Request

If you’ve ever attempted to schedule a meeting with multiple people over email, it’s a mess. It turns into a reply-all fest, eating up time and attention. Instead, use Outlook’s powerful Calendar feature. Click on the Calendar tab, then create a new Meeting. Use the Scheduling Assistant to view all participants’ availability. Click “Add Rooms” to see which rooms are free.

That’s already far better than the reply-all mess, but it gets better. The latest versions of Outlook will attempt to read all this and show you the best options automatically, assuming your company’s IT department has the proper settings enabled. Also, you can cut off the reply-all fest by using the “Reply with Meeting Request” button. Doing this will automatically jump into the scheduling assistant tool, saving you even more time.

Outsourced Onsite Tech Support: Where Can You Turn?

Outsourced Technical Services

Outsourced Technical Services

When your server shuts down or you can’t find your data files, you need help right away. But if you don’t have tech staff onsite, you’ll just have to sit there and wait until your IT company can send someone. In the meantime, you’re wasting time and money because your employees can’t do their jobs.

Does Your Company Have Onsite IT Staff?

The problem is that many small businesses in and around {city} can’t afford to employ a full-time tech. Salaries for capable IT professionals, along with the benefits and insurance expectations required to hire one, are cost-prohibitive for companies on a tight budget.

However, if your staff is sitting around without the use of their computers and they can’t do their jobs, in the end, you’re spending your hard-earned money paying employees to do nothing. Clearly, your business needs onsite IT service so it can continue to function. So doesn’t it make sense to contract onsite IT support for one or two days a week?

How Can You Afford Onsite IT Staff?

Having onsite IT staff doesn’t always mean employing them. Today you can find qualified help from a Managed IT Service Provider who will charge you an affordable fixed monthly fee for onsite services.

Whether you need an IT professional once a week or more, you can schedule your onsite tech service according to your current needs. Your costs will be predictable, and you can scale the hours of service you require up or down as your business requirements change. It’s like having the best of both worlds – the IT service and expertise you need without all the overhead.

Why Do You Need IT Staff Onsite?

1. Your Onsite Tech will understand your IT system. With an IT professional there at least once a week they’ll keep up with the inner workings of your technology and will be able to troubleshoot problems more easily because they understand your system in and out. They’ll also understand your operations and workflow, and what technology individual staff members need to do their jobs. If Jason in accounting needs a new program to do his financial reports, your onsite tech will be there to help decide the right course of action. It’s like having a specialist instead of a generalist working on your network and IT solutions.

2. Your Onsite Tech will know if your software and hardware are up to date. Software patches and updates will be applied as they should to prevent security vulnerabilities that can let hackers in. They’ll also be in charge of keeping your licenses up-to-date and ensuring that you stay abreast of any needed hardware upgrades. If you need new hardware, they’ll know what you require and can shop around and find the best deal for you, whether this means purchasing new equipment or leasing it through a Hardware-as-a-Service agreement so you won’t have to spend your capital reserves, and you can write off the lease as an operating expense.

3. Remote Monitoring & Management is great – but sometimes you just need a tech in-house. When your internet access goes down or your business phones aren’t working, you’ll have a technician onsite who can figure out what’s gone wrong. They can act as your liaison with other vendors like your phone company or Internet Service Provider to get you back up and running quickly. This saves you and your staff the stress of having to do this yourself during an already hectic time.

4. You’ll trust your onsite tech to communicate what you need to know. With the continuity of service you’ll receive from an onsite technician, you’ll trust that he’ll know what’s best when it comes to making decisions about your technology. He can also help you decide if you need new technologies or extra IT support when taking on a big project. And he can even help you make strategic IT decisions for your company down the road. Your onsite tech understands your needs now and your goals for the future, and can develop an IT roadmap that will take you there in the most cost-effective way.

5. You’ll be able to arrange for additional IT support if you take on a new big project. You’ll never be without the IT staff you need. If you need to switch to a new EHR solution or migrate your technology to Microsoft Office 365, you’ll have the specialty support you need for these projects. If your onsite tech needs more assistance, he can quickly call for help from his IT company. Once again, you can contract for precisely what you need and nothing more.

6. Onsite techs will maintain your IT system proactively. Rather than waiting for things to break, your tech will have been monitoring your network for irregularities and can fix problems right away before things get worse. And because your onsite tech understands your technology, he can get to the root of issues, so any problems that you do experience are solved once and for all.

7. In an emergency, most techs you’d employ will be home after hours. With an onsite tech from an IT service company, their off-hours team will be there 24/7 if your system goes down. And your onsite tech can meet with them the next day to follow up and make sure the problem was totally and adequately resolved.

8. Your IT security posture will be stronger with help from an onsite tech. Not only will he ensure that you have the multi-layered security solutions needed to detect and eradicate cyber threats, but your onsite tech can also ensure your staff is educated and aware about how to avoid being a victim of a phishing or other scam. They’ll be there to talk to your team about safe internet and email use.

9. Your backups will be reliable and recoverable. If, in the end, your company does get hit with ransomware and your data is locked, or if an employee accidentally deletes your digital information, your onsite tech will have assured that your backups are up-to-date and recoverable. Backups onsite aren’t enough. They will ensure you also have a cloud-based offsite backup copy that you and your staff can access from wherever you are.

10. You’ll have peace of mind. Technology is always changing and evolving, as are cyber threats. With a dedicated tech onsite who also has a team to depend on if he needs some extra hands or specialized experience, you’ll have peace of mind that everything will be covered. You and your staff can let go of IT worries and concentrate on your business.

In Summary – Why Should You Use Outsourced Onsite Tech Services?

Outsourced Onsite Tech Services from your IT provider allows you to have a tech onsite without significant added costs. You can contract for the number of days a week you need onsite support, and your fee will remain predictable and easy to budget for. Get help with big projects when you need it, and cut back on the number of IT employees you hire. You’ll have the people and the help you require if a problem crops up during the day or in the middle of the night.

You’ll know that your technology will work at peak performance and your tech will keep you informed if you need something more to ensure that it does. You’ll also have access to IT professionals with experience in your industry, and who knows about the latest cybersecurity threats. And, even better, since outsourced onsite techs aren’t directly employed by you, the overhead you would have paid for benefits, insurance, and sick or vacation days can instead be used to grow your business.


Did You Know That Java 8 Now Requires Licensing Fees?

JAVA Licensing Fees

JAVA Licensing Fees

Java and JavaScript still the most widely-used languages in business, outpacing C# and Python by a relatively large margin in a recent survey by Cloud Foundry. These flexible, cloud-native languages represent 57-58% of businesses that responded to the study, with Python only being used in about 25% of businesses. Java and JavaScript, along with C++, continued to show market growth through the end of 2018, unlike some other languages whose share continues to decline. With the strong user base and growth for Java, it’s not surprising that Oracle has decided to consolidate several different models into a more streamline licensing agreement. While this has been discussed since mid-2018, as of January 2019 organizations that want to continue receiving support for Java may need to revise their licensing agreement to incorporate the paid model. See how this could impact your continued usage of a programming language that continues to gain importance in the business world.

Building Flexibility Into Business Systems

Being able to reference multiple languages helps businesses retain the flexibility and agility that they need to be relevant in today’s fast-paced business world. With startups claiming niche markets, established businesses and enterprises need access to well-known and widely used languages such as Java and C++. Even though Java has been around since “Green Team” developers at Sun Microsystems released it 1995 after a multi-year marathon of programming, it is still revolutionizing the way we interact with digital devices. As the invisible force behind many of today’s most complex solutions, Java has been building flexibility into business systems since the mid-1990s. Java is a platform independent, meaning it can run a variety of different operating systems which creates a highly extensible base language.

Creating Cloud-Native Practices

Businesses are continually looking for ways to drive innovation as a way to differentiate from their competitors, and cloud-native languages such as Java will help drive these initiatives into the future. Says Cloud Foundry Foundation CTO Chip Childers: “Cloud-native practices enable developers within large companies to pick the language that best supports their functional needs—and our research shows that the most commonly chosen languages for cloud-native application development are Java and JavaScript”. While more than 25 languages were noted by respondent companies, the majority were only used by 1-2% of businesses, unlike Java which was prevalent in close to three-fourths of the organizations. It would not be surprising for there to be consolidation within the various platforms as organizations look to bring consistency to their overall development practices.

Java’s New Licensing Model

While Oracle’s July 2018 announcement caused many organizations to rethink their Java usage, it’s clear that the platform is still required for development. The particular version that was impacted is Java SE (Standard Edition), Java SE Advanced, Java SE Advanced Desktop and Java SE Suite. These licensing options will be consolidated down to two paid models starting in January 2019: Java SE Subscription and Java SE Desktop Subscription. Each version is a monthly subscription that includes public updates for Java SE 8 or later, with terms available from one to three years. This shift will impact all users of commercial-grade Java, although customers of older Java SE models will not be forced to make the switch. While moving to the new model is not mandatory for non-commercial use, business users will require a license according to Oracle’s new licensing policies.

Business users do have a few decisions to make as their model shifts:

  • Server-based deployments will use a processor-based metric such as CPUs to calculate license requirements, starting with an Oracle-licensed server and the number of cores and the processor core factor into the calculations
  • Desktop deployments use a Named User Plus-based metric to make the calculation of ongoing licensing costs

Businesses who opt out of the paid model, should not expect to receive additional Java SE critical updates after January 1, 2019, a situation which can easily place business operations at increased risk of breach or failure.

Review Use of Java in Your Business

If you have significant usage of Java SE in your business, it’s time to launch a full review to determine whether you need to upgrade or renew licensing agreements with Oracle. Determine whether your business is fully compliant with new Java SE requirements based on your current and estimated future usage on servers or desktops. You could find that it is more cost-effective to make a switch to the new Java SE licensing models based on your current business requirements and maintenance agreement. Reviewing future development needs is also an important part of your analysis. If you plan to reduce overall Java use in the next few years, that could dictate the term of the negotiated agreement. You could also look for ways to incorporate a sliding scale based on estimated future usage.

Even though the language is now more than two decades old, there is no indication that the usage of Java is declining in the near future. As long as this flexible platform provides the link between computers and other digital devices, developers will continue to use and value this agile platform for business development.

How Can You Save Money With The Cloud?

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing transformed the way companies approached their infrastructure. You’re not locked into using on-site resources only. Instead, you have access to a range of cloud-based service providers. It’s common knowledge that the cloud saves businesses money, but you may be wondering about the specifics of how that works and how to get the best value out of these solutions.

Easier Collaboration

Many cloud solutions have features that streamline collaborative efforts between employees, teams and departments. Everyone accesses the files from a centralized location and can make changes at the same time. Employees don’t need to be in the office to make that possible, as cloud-based systems support remote access from a variety of devices.

Improve Customer Experience

Customers have high expectations of the companies they do business with. They want rapid responses through a variety of platforms. Trying to maintain that level of availability through customer support solutions that are tied to a specific workstation is difficult. A cloud-based unified communications solution brings all of the customer contact channels together in one place and provides the necessary mobility. The improved experience and response time leads to more customer recommendations, higher satisfaction ratings and a loyal audience.

Securing Bring Your Own Device Environments

Employees enjoy working on devices that they’re most familiar with, but it’s challenging to maintain a safe environment. Malicious applications installed on personal smartphones, tablets and laptops can compromise your entire network. The IT department can go through every piece of equipment that comes into the workplace, but that takes their time away from other critical tasks.

Cloud-based solutions eliminate this need since it takes your network out of the equation. The service provider has security measures in place to stop compromised devices from accessing its application. They handle the security measures necessary to work with remote connections from a variety of devices.

Eliminating Update Downtime

Updating software is a time-consuming process for your IT team. Patches come out regularly, and they have to track all of this information and find the time to deploy them to the network. If an application’s updating process is difficult to program a script for, the IT technicians have to go to individual workstations to push out the latest version. Cloud-based solutions are updated by the service providers on their own servers. Your employees connect to the cloud resource as usual. Downtime is minimal or nonexistent, and you don’t have to dedicate your in-house IT team to this process.

Since the cloud provider covers the ongoing maintenance and support of the product, your IT workers have more bandwidth to handle their daily duties. They can move to a proactive and strategic approach that improves your company’s infrastructure and supports your business goals.

Avoid Expensive Licensing Fees

The software licensing structure for non-cloud applications can be cost-prohibitive, especially when you consider that a new version typically comes out every few years. The subscription model that cloud-based services use does away with the upfront cost and spreads the total cost of ownership throughout the life of the product.

Reduce the Need for New Hardware

Hardware failures are a fact of life. Servers stop working or grow too outdated to support the applications. Over time, these expenses far outweigh the total cost of ownership associated with cloud-based systems. Consider the long-term equipment expenses when you’re evaluating whether a cloud infrastructure is the right choice for your organization.

Cost-effective Backups

Disaster can strike your business at any time, whether it’s a tornado or a malicious internal actor. Downtime eats away at your profitability and causes long-term damage. Robust backup solutions that give you all the features you need to have business continuity are expensive and require a lot of upkeep. When you use cloud-based solutions, you’re automatically moving vital systems and data offsite. The typical cloud company handles the necessary backups and follows best practices for this process.

Getting Help with Compliance

Regulated industries have many compliance rules that they need to adhere to. Businesses without a compliance team have to bring in costly consultants and legal experts to ensure that they are following the requirements. If you fail to comply with these regulations, you may be subject to financial or criminal penalties. Working with cloud-based platforms allows you to leverage the provider’s legal team rather than shouldering the cost yourself.

Seamless Scaling in Both Directions

Demand for your products and services isn’t a static number. Traditional IT infrastructure requires you to have enough on-site hardware to accommodate the capacity needed at your highest demand levels. When you have seasonal shifts and other factors that impact your company’s activity level, you’re stuck maintaining equipment that’s not actively in use. One of the best cost benefits of the cloud is the ability to scale up and down as needed. Since many cloud-based systems have a subscription model based on actual use, it’s easy to adjust your payments.

Moving part or all of your infrastructure to the cloud provides many direct and indirect cost benefits. While on-premises equipment has its uses, especially when you’re dealing with extremely sensitive data, the cloud drastically reduces how much you pay for vital systems.

Are You Using Internet Explorer?

Internet Explorer Security

Internet Explorer Security

Do you still surf the Web with Internet Explorer?  If so, you’re not alone. Even after Microsoft came out with their new Edge browser in 2015, some people are still using Internet Explorer.

The Problem?

Security experts have found serious security flaws in Internet Explorer’s code. This means that if you use it, you’re opening yourself and your business up to hacking and computer viruses.

Another Problem?

Microsoft won’t be fixing this for the foreseeable future.

What Are These Flaws?

The most recent of these was found by an independent researcher named John Page. He published a proof of concept that demonstrates a flaw in the way that Internet Explorer handles MHT files. MHT is a Web page archive file format.

How Do These Flaws In Internet Explorer Create Security Issues?

If you use Windows 7, Windows 10, or Windows Server 2012 and it comes across an MHT file, it will try to open the file using Internet Explorer. This presents an easy opportunity for savvy hackers.  All they have to do is to use an MHT file containing a malicious virus and present it to you via a phishing email or other form of social engineering. Once you take the bait, the malicious virus gets into your computer/server.

Are We Safe If We Use Another Type Of Browser?

Not really. Any Windows-based system is still very much at risk from infected MHT files. This is because Internet Explorer 11 still ships with all Windows-based PCs. This includes computers that use Windows 10.

What Can We Do To Prevent Being Hacked Due To Internet Explorer Flaws?

One good thing is that Internet Explorer isn’t enabled on Windows 10 computers. For it to be enabled, you need to set it up yourself.

For now, this is the simple solution — Just don’t enable Internet Explorer. And to be completely sure, it’s best if you uninstall Internet Explorer from your Control Panel altogether.

John Page reported the issue to Microsoft on March 27, 2019, and received the following reply from them:

“We determined that a fix for this issue will be considered in a future version of this product or service. At this time, we will not be providing ongoing updates of the status of the fix for this issue, and we have closed the case.”

Unfortunately, it looks like, for the foreseeable future, that Microsoft won’t be providing a fix regarding the flaws with Internet Explorer. As we said above, the answer, for now, is for you and your staff to uninstall Internet Explorer from your computers.

Have You Heard of DuckDuckGo?



The self-proclaimed “search engine that doesn’t track you,” DuckDuckGo is likely the most successful search engine available when it comes to privacy and security.

While Google remains the most popular search engine by far, many users are concerned about its practice of collecting and using your personal data. Namely, Google tracks what you search (yes, everything), stores it, and uses it to provide you with a personalized user experience. Oh, and they also make a profit from it.

What Are the Specific Benefits of Switching to DuckDuckGo?

No Tracking

Of course, this is the biggie. DuckDuckGo doesn’t track you or what you look up online. All searches are 100% anonymous.

No Ads

Google tries to trick users by situating ads at the very top of the page — ads, by the way, that look like search result listings. The only difference is a little box that says “Ad” next to the web address. DuckDuckGo foregoes ads like these, generally starting at the very top of the page with your first search result listing.

Minimalist Interface

Speaking of no ads, DuckDuckGo provides an overall clean and minimalist appearance. Like Google’s results pages, you can toggle between “Web,” “Images,” “Video,” etc. at the top. You can also filter results by region, “Safe Search” mode (for strict or non-filtered adult content), and time period.

Non-personalized Search Results

“Why wouldn’t I want personalized search results?”

Well, you might. But the advantage of not having personalized results is that you’ll see exactly what everyone else sees. In other words, when you search “cocktail recipes” in Duluth, Minnesota, you’ll get the same results as someone searching for “cocktail recipes” in Lyon, France.

Seriously, What’s Actually So Bad About Search Tracking?

Many people’s argument against worrying about Google and other tech giants tracking them (hi, Alexa) is this: “I don’t do anything bad or shameful on the Internet, so why should I care if I’m tracked and my data’s stored?”

That may be true. Certainly, for some, the sheer fact that you’re being listened to, your movements are being tracked, and essentially everything about you (from your age and income to your shoe size and favorite local bar) is being stored … well, it’s alarming and disturbing.

But if that still doesn’t make you ponder the importance of personal data tracking and storing, consider this: Google is using your data to get rich, like, really rich. They’re monetizing everything you do through their platform and making billions in annual profits as a result. The stuff their using? Your shopping habits (Google Express), your online searches (Google Search), your personal conversations (Google Assistant and Google Hangouts), where you go (Google Maps), the news you read and your political leanings (Google News), and much more.

To make matters worse, in many ways, they’re being less than honest about their tactics. For example, their so-called “incognito” mode is far from fully private. Your employer and ISP can still track your searches when you’re in incognito. Furthermore, Google documents you’ve “deleted” and searches you’ve “cleared” aren’t really gone. Google stores them … indefinitely.

Consider a Switch to DuckDuckGo

There’s no doubt that companies like Google provide useful services to individuals and businesses of all kinds. Their search engine is definitely useful as well. Extensive, highly complex algorithms can help you find exactly what you’re looking for, often faster than other search engines.

But if you’re at all concerned with privacy and security for your business and/or at home, consider a search engine switch to the up-and-coming DuckDuckGo. Set it as your homepage, try it out, and see what you think.

Should CMOs and CIOs Partner On Strategic Information Technology?

CMO Technology

CMO Technology

For as long as the roles of CMO and CIO have existed, their work has rarely overlapped. CMOs focused on the company’s marketing efforts while CIOs stuck to the technology side of the business. But in today’s digital world, the hard lines that once separated marketing and tech have dissolved. Now, any business that wants to remain competitive must engage in digital transformation—which requires strategic use of information technology incorporating both marketing and IT. That transformation can only be effective if CMOs and CIOs work together.

The Importance of Digital Transformation

According to the Altimeter Group, digital transformation is “The realignment of, or new investment in, technology and business models to more effectively engage digital customers at every touchpoint in the customer experience lifecycle.” The goal of digital transformation should be to better provide value for the client or customer and to improve competitiveness. To achieve these ends, a strategic approach to information technology must be utilized. And for that to happen, CMOs and CIOs must communicate and strive together in seeking the same goal.

The vast majority of businesses were not founded with digital technologies in mind, and even less were created from day one to take advantage of the digital platforms that have emerged in the past decade, much less those that continue to spring up on a seemingly daily basis.

Chances are, as a CMO you have probably already been thinking long and hard about how your marketing efforts can incorporate the vast array of digital technologies available. Just some of the areas where digital transformation could deliver notable improvements include:

  • Mobile computing
  • Social media
  • Big data
  • Cloud features
  • Data privacy compliance
  • BYOD
  • Data security
  • And more…

Of course, to achieve the kind of transformation that you want and need, certain obstacles must be overcome. You have to determine where you are, where you want to go and how you are going to get there—all of which is best facilitated through the partnership of the CMO and CIO.

Partnership Between Marketing and IT Facilitates Competency

The terrain of digital platforms is difficult to navigate for even the most experienced professionals. To conquer this terrain and make it work for your business, it only makes sense to utilize all the resources at your disposal. Between building, running and managing the digital tools necessary to reach and retain customers, and ensuring that marketing efforts are as well integrated with new technologies as possible, there is simply too much required for one department—marketing or IT—to do alone.

Both CMOs and CIOs face unique challenges from the digital technology field. Some of these include:

Challenges for CMOs

For CMOs, the number of existing and upcoming digital technologies can be overwhelming. There are so many areas that must be considered to achieve competitiveness, including:

  • Buying appropriate technology solutions
  • Managing the technology stack
  • Creating infrastructure for technologies
  • Integrating new technologies with existing enterprise solutions

You could be the most effective CMO in the world when it comes to marketing, yet feel completely in the dark when it comes to how to manage the nuts and bolts of new technologies. That is why different departments exist in organizations—because true competency and skill take years to develop, and no one is capable of being an expert in everything.

Challenges for CIOs

The technology your business needs to operate and serve your customer base is the focus of the CIO. However, the marketing end of the equation is rarely an area where the CIO will have much expertise. Some of the things that the CIO may struggle with include:

  • Continued awareness of company efforts to reach and retain customers
  • Understanding the value proposition presented by the company to the client or customer
  • Needed adaptations in marketing messages as new information comes in
  • Which technologies are most effective for marketing based on company needs

CIOs have their own challenges to contend with as they strive to keep the ship running and determine what the best technology solutions are among an increasingly vast array of options. If they are not brought into the marketing conversation, there is a real risk that the left hand can become detached from the right—possibly even to the point where the CMO and CIO are working at cross purposes.

The benefits of CMOs and CIOs partnering quickly becomes apparent as your company embraces technology. Marketing has never had so much reach as it has today with digital platforms and real-time data. But utilizing that technology requires expertise that is found in the CIO and the IT team.

CMO and CIO—In it Together for the Long Haul

CMOs and CIOs share the same ultimate goal—the success of the organization for which they work. Success in today’s digital environment means utilizing appropriate technologies to keep the business strong, competitive and attractive to the customer. To obtain success requires a partnership between the CMO and CIO to identify areas for improvement, move forward with effective action that will achieve improvements, and to continue to adapt to the rapid changes that are inherent in today’s business world.