You’ve Heard Of Smart Homes. What’s a Smart Health Care Organization?

Smart Hospital

What’s smart about a smart home? Well, you can talk to it. You can tell your phone to tell the oven to turn itself down to 200 degrees. You can tell your thermostat to drop the nighttime temperature to 68. You can start the car from the upstairs guest bathroom. And so on.

Smart Hospital

What you may not realize is that the technology behind these simple tasks is staggering. All of them wholly or partially involve the transmission of data from the oven, the thermostat, and the car across the internet, and anything involving voice recognition is likely to invoke a mainframe running in the cloud to do the voice processing. All of that takes place in an amount of time short enough for you not to notice any lag between the command and the execution.

If that’s what a smart home looks like, what does a smart healthcare organization look like?

The answer to that question involves noting that we are moving from the first generation of cloud services into the second, while most healthcare organizations are only making partial use of the first generation. And we need to take note of what the renowned consulting firm McKinsey calls the “data culture,” one which most healthcare organizations have yet to adopt.

Is Your Hospital As Smart As Your Thermostat?

The Nest Learning Thermostat is capable of learning the temperature control patterns you use and going through them even when you are away. In addition, you can control it from anywhere in the world with your phone. Simply memorizing a pattern is not very advanced. What is advanced is discovering patterns that no human suspected were even there.

A famous example was Walmart’s discovery, made by an AI system, that there was a surge in sales of strawberry Pop-Tarts whenever a hurricane was forecast in South Florida. Not cinnamon and brown sugar Pop-Tarts. Not green apple Pop-Tarts. Strawberry Pop-Tarts. Hurricanes were forecast, so the Walmart trucks loaded up with strawberry Pop-Tarts and rolled towards South Florida. Walmart’s profits inched up a little bit. Of such small fragments are large corporate incomes made.

What Does The Strawberry Pop-Tarts Story Tell Us?

To make that profit-making discovery, Walmart’s systems needed to have data available – detailed sales records, broken down by ZIP code, inventory records are broken down by store, and weather data, all available to the same system. This is the first lesson. Data can no longer be siloed. If patterns are to be found, the data in which they exist must at least appear as one data set.

The second lesson is like the first: For analysis, old(er) data is fine. For action, data must be real-time. It does no good if the Nest thermostat is adjusting the in-home temperature based on the outside temperature readings from six months ago.

The third lesson, somewhat less obvious than the other two, is this: To be effective, the actions taken must make a difference. The difference here was in profit. In a health care organization, it might be patient load, room occupancy, revenue stream, patient satisfaction, physician satisfaction, nurse retention, or cost reduction.

The key is linking action to some parameter that is important. Analysis for the sake of analysis is likely to be fruitless, and organizations that engage in it will be disappointed and decide that AI is not for them. And if they decide that, they are almost certain to reduce their future competitiveness, and perhaps their very survival.

How Is Cloud Evolution Affecting AI?

The cloud is rapidly evolving from a place where data is simply stored to a place where the vast majority of an organization’s data is used to create a bigger bottom line.

The advantages of a cloud for health care organizations are increased security, decreased hardware and software expenses, decreased IT staff expenses, and lack of worries about capacity in terms of processors, memory, or storage.

The big worry for healthcare organizations is the loss of control. Cloud providers are becoming more sensitive to this issue and devoting more resources to collaborating with clients in health care to increase their comfort level.

Cloud providers are also very aware that their clients are interested in using AI and are moving to capture that market. One piece of advice is not to combine a migration to the cloud with a major rollout of AI unless you know the pitfalls in advance and have made contingency plans for when things don’t work. Having competent consultants can make the difference between success and failure.

What Is Needed For AI Success?

McKinsey refers to the part of organizational culture that thinks about and uses data as the “data culture.” Its research has discovered that there are wide differences in the data culture of organizations.

Key elements are:

  • General employee awareness of data and its benefits
  • An integrating of data into the organization’s day-to-day operations (as opposed to “cool stuff” that gets developed and never used)
  • Executive and board buy-in
  • The linkage of data with affirmative actions

This latter does not mean that you know what you will do with the results that AI produces before they happen. It does mean that the organization is “reality-based” and is committed to taking the actions that AI reveals as possibilities, provided they are linked to parameters that are important to the organization.

What Are The Key AI-Enabled Technologies Of Cloud 2.0?

Advanced analysis, deep learning, voice recognition, virtual agents (software that acts like humans for specific tasks), robotics, machine learning, image recognition and analysis, natural language programming, and more are all available today.

The key question is what hospitals can use them for. One obvious application is voice recognition and virtual agents for patients able to communicate, replacing the call bell in a hospital room. Instead of having an aide go to the room to answer the bell, then come back and tell the nurse what is needed, just put an Amazon Echo Dot in each room.

The hospital saves time and money while patient satisfaction improves. This is just one of a vast number of ways hospitals could use today’s advanced AI technologies to improve healthcare. The question is whether they’re ready to move into 21st century technology.


How Can I Best Protect My Business Entity From Current Hacker Potentials?

Computer Security

Improvements in technology have led to increased connectivity with improvements in security, but have also involved unique vulnerabilities and potential for hackers to access a wide range of information. Particularly problematic to businesses is the potential for a phisher to represent a part of the organization, or a supplier with a business connection to it, as they request organizational information or even funding.

Computer Security

What Are Current Major Risks?

Business managers and employees run the risk of being phished from their work accounts while seemingly doing normal business, only to find that they inadvertently provided company funds or information that could be used to damage the company’s systems or even their reputation. This creates new demand for organizational and network security processes and defenses, with phishing, internet-of-things (IoT) security, and general WPA2 hacking being among the greatest current threats to major organizations, small businesses, and individuals alike.

Phishing internally can lead to thousands or even millions of dollars accidentally provided or outright stolen after the critical information is inadvertently provided. An individual can create an email using some phishing technique to hide, mask, or otherwise misrepresent their actual identity while claiming to be an active member, supplier, or some other legitimate affiliate of the organization. The recipient may receive a SharePoint document link that is hyperlinked to malware capable of hacking or damaging system software, and while being directed to a login screen or invoice to request funds or sensitive information to be further misused.

Hackers have the potential to work around even the most advanced anti-phishing filters, using tactics such as reducing the triggering text to a font size of zero to avoid detection. This allows them to pass the filters with how the data is read while displaying apparently legitimate communications and requests to an organizational manager or employee.

According to the Business Owner’s Guide to Technology, these instances have been common. The reporters cited two recent instances of tens of thousands of dollars being accidentally sent amid a phishing campaign. This campaign went beyond the fake login screen to record credentials in attempts to involve phony invoices as well. There have been cases where millions of dollars were lost through a similar approach.

Another major risk that organizations have, amid a false sense of security, is the size of their network in their maintained IoT. While it has become common for tablet devices, personal laptops, mobile phones, and other devices to be used within a business network for increased internet connectivity and email, it is also becoming more common for hackers to use their own devices to access information. This can potentially be done internally or externally, creating a demand for increased security or upgrading beyond vulnerabilities in the WPA2 security protocol. This issue follows along the lines of phishing potentials in terms of general security vulnerabilities that are the greatest threat to large businesses, small businesses, and individuals alike.

WPA2 hacking, in general, has become more effective, as the protocol itself has been upgraded and developed for security vulnerabilities realized to demand a completely new protocol, WPA3.

Inc. explained that hackers may very well have preferences for businesses, due to the probability that at least some bit of useable information can be recorded from the network. While managers and even network administrators may assume that the most recent mainstream releases of security software and protocol recommendations are enough to protect them, hackers continue to work against these, demanding that upgrades and software that have yet to become mainstream be implemented. This, therefore, demands ongoing research and dedication to optimizing network security.

What Other Specific Recommendations Are There For General Risks?

Beyond general best practices and the issues listed above, experts continue to make recommendations for the optimization of security. To optimize defenses against phishing, a combination of proactive awareness campaigns of recent threats and optimizing the use of available security features is all experts can recommend avoiding inadvertent user cooperation.

To optimize defenses against WPA2 hacking, if transfer to the now-available WPA3 is not possible or deemed sufficiently feasible, minimizing network accessibility to essential job functions or requirements only for all users, while maximizing all relevant security, is recommended. Multi-step user authentications can help against both phishing and hacking attempts.

Other issues are not as commonplace or severe, but are still regarded as important. Network owners are advised to watch out for privilege escalations, which hackers may use in an attempt to gain increasing access to information once they have breached the network to any extent. Maintaining control though rootkit detection is also recommended, as are methods to scan activities and ‘backdoors’ for forms of malware left by hackers who may have been able to remove their event logs before installing their own backdoor access.

As a final measure, taking extra steps to ensure that all employees are actually operating in compliance with security protocols is recommended, as many organizational managers may not even be aware of the extent of shortcuts or vulnerabilities they effectively allow for the sake of convenience. Purple Griffon is one online source that has compiled additional details regarding these potential threats and recommended protective actions.

What’s Most Important?

  • Ensuring compliance and best practices against phishing
  • Advanced anti-phishing protection (ATP) or related software
  • Network security optimization or WPA3 integration
  • Remaining current with news, research, and developments


Hurricane Florence Update: Florence Now A CAT4 Major Hurricane

Hurricane Florence strengthens to Category 4

Evacuation Orders Begin in the Carolinas

The National Hurricane Center is now saying that Florence has maximum sustained winds of 115mph, with gusts to 140mph. It is now a Category 4 storm and is expected to hit the Southeastern US coast on Thursday.

Hurricane Florence 2018

North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia governors have declared a state of emergency and urged residents to be prepared by stocking up on the essential supplies of food, water, flashlights, and batteries.

N.C. Governor asks Trump for Federal Declaration

With Hurricane Florence setting its sights on the Carolinas, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has asked President Trump to declare a federal disaster. The Governor said on Monday, the federal declaration would allow for federal assistance and increase the state and local efforts in providing for a proper emergency response. Governor Cooper said he had a conversation with FEMA Director Brock Long on Monday.

Governor Cooper Says to Prepare for the Worst

The North Carolina governor also forewarned citizens in Hurricane Florence’s path to prepare to be without power for an extended period of time.

In a Monday Morning press conference, Cooper said, “When it comes to utilities, families need to be ready. They need to prepare to be without power for a while; that’s why we’re urging people to have their emergency kits and prepare for this.”

Currently leaving it up to local and county governments, Cooper also anticipates the other coastal communities in North Carolina to issue mandatory evacuation orders for residents and visitors just like Dare County and Hatteras Island have already done.

Military Bases are Preparing for Florence

In Norfolk, Virginia, the U.S. Navy has directed all working warships and submarines in the area to leave port in advance of Hurricane Florence. Both the Naval Station Norfolk and Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek have said they have almost 30 ships currently planning evacuate as soon as possible.

With an extensive beachfront, Camp Lejeune is preparing for Hurricane Florence as well. The largest U.S. Marine Corps base on the East Coast, Lejeune is located about 50 miles northeast of Wilmington, North Carolina.

Historic Hurricane

If the hurricane hits as hard as predicted, Florence will be the most powerful to strike the area in three decades. Water could reach up to 15 feet high, and rainfall will move inland over the next four to five days.

The center of the hurricane is heading over the southwestern Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda and the Bahamas and some are predicting it to intensify into a Category 4 storm. With winds possibly reaching as high as 130-156 mph by Wednesday, it should reach the East Coast on Thursday or early Friday.

The last category 3 hurricane to hit the Atlantic Southeast Coast was Hurricane Fran in September 1996. Fran caused extensive damage and was the fourth major hurricane of the 1996 Atlantic hurricane season.

Category 4 Hurricane History in the Southeast

The deadliest and most powerful hurricanes to hit the Southeast Atlantic North of Florida were Hurricane Hazel. in September 1954 and hurricane Hugo in September 1989. Hazel reached the U.S. right around the border between North and South Carolina, registering as a Category 4 hurricane. Before reaching the U.S., Hazel killed more than 400 people in Haiti. It then belted Canada, categorized as an extratropical storm.

Hurricane Hugo was briefly a Category 5 hurricane crossing over Guadeloupe and St. Croix. It Weakened as it passed over Puerto Rico to a Category 3 hurricane and was downgraded to a Category 2 as it rematerialized in the Atlantic. But, just before it reached just the Charleston area it re-strengthened into a Category 4 hurricane, with 140 mph sustained winds.

Hurricane Florence News from Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach area residents have been asked to evacuate if and when Governor Henry McMaster gives the order. Myrtle Beach Spokesman Mark Kruea said for those who make the choice to ignore the order, “You take your own life into your hands.”

Kruea also said Myrtle Beach does not have “mandatory” the evacuation policy, but they strongly warn about the dangers if its citizens choose to stay.

Hurricane Florence News from Charleston, SC

Hurricane Florence’s path looks Charlotte and the city’s surrounding area will experience the impact of the Hurricane’s power.

Charlotte authorities are closely monitoring the Hurricane’s progress to help its residents be ready when Florence makes landfall and moves inland.

Hurricane Florence News from Wilmington, NC

Wilmington and all of Southeastern North Carolina area could easily be affected by Hurricane Florence and are encouraged to take precautions by local government agencies.

The University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) announced classes are canceled and issued a voluntary evacuation for all its students as the storm continues to rapidly approach the Carolina coast.

Hurricane Florence News from Florence, NC

Damaging winds and flooding rain are very possible later this week as Hurricane Florence moves inland. Florence residents are asked to start thinking now about how they will prepare for Florence and be vigilant about watching the progress of the Hurricane.

How Safe Am I From an IoT Attack at Home and Work?

IOT Home

As convenient as our interconnected world has become, it has also made us vulnerable to an attack from hackers wanting to make a quick buck. Internet pirates are targeting defenseless networks with the sole purpose of hijacking our personal devices for use in their criminal activity.

IOT Home

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how we live our day-to-day lives both in our personal lives at home and our professional time at work. From a doctor’s visit, installing a home security system, and paying our utility services, we have to adjust to this new way of functioning to make sure our information is safe from attack. A recent Gartner (the world’s leading research and advisory company), survey states that 20 percent of individuals and businesses have had one or more IoT-based attacks in the past three years.

What Exactly is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The “Internet of things” (IoT) has quickly become a buzzword thrown around in the business world and independent of it. It has the potential to influence how we live at home and also how we operate in the workplace. Because of the complexities that surround the Internet of Things, let’s try to break it down to a simple understanding.

The Internet of Things is the concept of linking a device with the Internet or another device. What this means to you is that the IoT encompasses a lot of the stuff you already use each day: cell phones, TVs, laptops, microwaves, etc. Also, as each day passes by, we are encountering the IoT in the basic gadgets we have relied on for years: coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, and refrigerators. If you are flying on a passenger plane, the jet engine of an airplane is being operated and maintained through the use of the IoT. Gartner claims that by 2020 there will be an estimated 26 billion connected devices in use.

How Does the IoT Impact Me?

With so many devices connected to the internet, it’s easy to understand why the IoT is such a hot topic in our world today. With the IoT, security is an issue that is oftentimes immediately included in the conversation; and rightly so. With all these devices connected together and vulnerable to hackers, what can you do as a consumer to make sure that your information is safe? Will someone actually be able to hack into your microwave and obtain access to your whole network? The IoT also opens up homes and businesses to security threats unimagined even ten years ago.

Can My Smart Appliances Really Give Away My Information?

Kellyane Conway, former Trump spokesperson was quoted in an interview with the Bergen Record in 2017 that microwaves can be used as spy cameras by government agencies. She said this concerning allegations from President Trump that President Obama wiretapped the Trump campaign. Although microwaves don’t seem to have these spying capabilities yet, we do know that televisions do. In CIA documents released by Wikileaks, it came to light that some models of Samsung televisions were hacked by the CIA so that they could eavesdrop on conversations taking place in households the CIA deemed suspicious.

Television companies have also admitted that Smart TVs have the power to spy on the users watching habits as a way to help the manufacturer understand how to better reach their consumer base.

How Can I Protect Myself From Cyberattacks Launched Through The Internet Of Things?

What can you do to protect yourself when using all these new smart devices? Here are some strategies you can implement to keep your family and business safe:

  • Do your due diligence in selecting trustworthy vendors when purchasing new smart devices. Purchasing something as simple as a baby monitor with smart technology, means ensuring the device is from a retailer that has a proven reputation. You are more likely to find that they have better security in place.
  • When feasible, secure your devices. Also make sure your software is updated, and you are properly using filters and firewalls. Train your family members and employees on good internet habits and how to detect phishing scams on websites and through email. When possible, always use a second layer of password protection.
  • Make sure the network you use is designed correctly so as not to send out data without your expressed consent. Keep your passwords protected and diverse to avoid hackers who look for patterns in your network.
  • For an extra layer of protection, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) on your router which adds a firewall to inward traffic. A VPN prevent attacks that attempt to permeate your network.
  • Employ Network Segregation in both your home and business. Network segregation splits one Network into two local networks (LANs) keeping the unsafe computers in one Network and moving the computers that you want to protect to a separate secured Network. Network segregation can be accomplished by using two Entry Level Cable/DSL Routers.

Air Canada Data Breach Prompts Enhanced Mobile App Security Measures

Air Canada Data Breaches

Air Canada Data BreachesAir Canada recently confirmed a data breach occurred between August 22 and 24, affecting users of the Air Canada mobile app. The breach is just the latest in a string of cyber-attacks impacting mobile app users.

The Air Canada mobile app has approximately 1.7 million users. It is believed that one percent, or 20,000 users, may have been affected. The company announced they would be contacting potentially affected users directly via e-mail.

Upon notice of the breach, Air Canada says it immediately took action to deter further unauthorized login attempts and implemented additional measures to enhance security. Certain data, like users credit card information, was deemed safe. This is because this type of data is encrypted and required to be stored in compliance and in accordance with the industry’s payment card regulations.

The type of data compromised includes passenger names, telephone numbers, email addresses, birth dates, nationalities, and other data.

Air Canada contacted potentially affected customers by email beginning August 29. The company also released an FAQ section on their website, which provides details regarding specifics of the breach. As a precaution, the company is requiring that Air Canada mobile App users reset their passwords following a new, improved set of password guidelines.

They recommend a more robust password as an added layer of protection against attempts for unauthorized access. In the release, the company also encouraged users to frequently monitor their transactions to ensure there are no unauthorized charges.

A Growing Trend

Data breaches are a growing problem in today’s increasingly digitalized world. In July of this year, Timehop announced a “network intrusion” that led to a possible breach of personal user data, affecting more than 21 million users. The incident was disclosed in a blog post on the company’s website. About 3.3 million users had information like their name, phone, email, and date of birth compromised.

In February, the data of approximately 150 million users of the MyFitnessPal app was compromised in a data breach. The app’s parent company, Under Armour, said in a press release in March that usernames, hashed passwords and email addresses may have been exposed. Sensitive information such as credit card information was not compromised.

How To Protect Your Data

There are several precautionary steps mobile app users can take to reduce the risk of a data breach within their device. These can include:

  • Make sure to update when new versions are released
  • Reduce the use of public Wi-Fi
  • Clean up apps not in use
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when possible
  • Always use unique, strong passwords for apps

Minimize the Use Of Public Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi may seem like a good idea, but using it too much can leave you open to a data hack, especially if you’re not careful. Using free, public Wi-Fi for things like web surfing, streaming movies and shows and reading the news is typically safe.

Where you begin to enter dangerous waters with public Wi-Fi is when you enter personal data like credit card information. Unsecured networks can be dangerous if you’re not protected, and in this case, protection can come in the form of a virtual private network (VPN). This software encrypts your wireless session while using a public network. Some devices even have a built-in VPN for your convenience. If you don’t have one, you can easily purchase one for as little as $5 per month.

Update Your Operating System

Updating your operating system when prompted offers more than cool new features like emojis. These system updates often include security improvements, which can include fixes for security flaws in the previous version. Failing to update your operating systems can leave you susceptible to hackers. Make a habit of updating your OS as soon as the newest version becomes available.

Evaluate Your App Usage

You may think there’s no harm in keeping dozens of apps on your phone, but if you’re not utilizing them, they can do more damage than good. Too many apps leaves the potential for security holes, which can be used by hackers to access your personal data.

Evaluating your apps and deleting those you no longer use on a regular basis can be a good line of defense against a hack. And for the apps, you do use regularly, be sure they’re updated accordingly. You can do this by adjusting your settings to automatically download app updates. It is also a good rule of thumb to download apps only from legitimate sources, like iTunes or the Google Play store.

Lock Your Phone

The auto-lock function on your phone is an important one if you’re hoping to elude the prying eyes of hackers. A strong password is also a necessity. In addition to a passcode, set up a biometric security measure, such as a swipe, finger tap, or fingerprint. This will make it much more difficult for hackers to invade your device.

One general rule of thumb? The longer the password, the more secure it is. Consider custom numeric codes rather than important dates. If you’re running apps with personal information, be sure those are password protected, too.

The need for strong cybersecurity measures is now at an all-time high. Air Canada is just the latest to be affected, but if current trends are any indication, there will be plenty more attacks in the future. Solidifying and implementing a strong cybersecurity plan can help you minimize the chances of your data being stolen. Don’t help thieves steal from you!

Hurricane Florence: State Of Emergency Announced For Virginia

Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence is spinning up to be a Category 4 Hurricane. It’s predicted to make landfall between North Carolina and Georgia this week.  Virginia may be impacted when Florence comes ashore at the end of this week.

Virginia announces a state of emergency ahead of Hurricane Florence.

Hurricane Florence


Preparing For A Major Hurricane or Tropical Storm

When a hurricane is 36 hours from arriving

  • Turn on your TV or radio in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Restock your emergency preparedness kit. Include food and water sufficient for at least three days, medications, a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies.
  • Plan how to communicate with family members if you lose power. For example, you can call, text, email or use social media. Remember that during disasters, sending text messages is usually reliable and faster than making phone calls because phone lines are often overloaded.
  • Review your evacuation zone, evacuation route and shelter locations. Plan with your family. You may have to leave quickly so plan ahead.
  • Keep your car in good working condition, and keep the gas tank full; stock your vehicle with emergency supplies and a change of clothes.

When a hurricane is 18-36 hours from arriving

  • Bookmark your city or county website for quick access to storm updates and emergency instructions.
  • Bring loose, lightweight objects inside that could become projectiles in high winds (e.g., patio furniture, garbage cans); anchor objects that would be unsafe to bring inside (e.g., propane tanks); and trim or remove trees close enough to fall on the building.
  • Cover all of your home’s windows. Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows. A second option is to board up windows with 5/8” exterior grade or marine plywood, cut to fit and ready to install.

When a hurricane is 6-18 hours from arriving

  • Turn on your TV/radio, or check your city/county website every 30 minutes in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Charge your cell phone now so you will have a full battery in case you lose power.

When a hurricane is 6 hours from arriving

  • If you’re not in an area that is recommended for evacuation, plan to stay at home or where you are and let friends and family know where you are.
  • Close storm shutters, and stay away from windows. Flying glass from broken windows could injure you.
  • Turn your refrigerator or freezer to the coldest setting and open only when necessary. If you lose power, food will last longer. Keep a thermometer in the refrigerator to be able to check the food temperature when the power is restored.
  • Turn on your TV/radio, or check your city/county website every 30 minutes in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.

Survive DURING

  • If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Do not drive around barricades.
  • If sheltering during high winds, go to a FEMA safe room, ICC 500 storm shelter, or a small, interior, windowless room or hallway on the lowest floor that is not subject to flooding.
  • If trapped in a building by flooding, go to the highest level of the building. Do not climb into a closed attic. You may become trapped by rising flood water.
  • Listen for current emergency information and instructions.
  • Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machinery outdoors ONLY and away from windows.
  • Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn Around. Don’t Drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
  • Stay off of bridges over fast-moving water.


  • Listen to authorities for information and special instructions.
  • Be careful during clean-up. Wear protective clothing and work with someone else.
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. If it is safe to do so, turn off electricity at the main breaker or fuse box to prevent electric shock.
  • Avoid wading in flood water, which can contain dangerous debris. Underground or downed power lines can also electrically charge the water.
  • Save phone calls for emergencies. Phone systems are often down or busy after a disaster. Use text messages or social media to communicate with family and friends.
  • Document any property damage with photographs. Contact your insurance company for assistance.

Is Your IT Infrastructure Backed Up And Quickly Recoverable?

Many businesses aren’t prepared as they should be.

Yes, you’ve backed up your data to a storage device in the office, but won’t help if your building’s roof comes off. Your office will flood and your server, backup device, and computers will be left floating in Florence’s wake.

This may sound extreme, but it happens.

Unless your IT service company backs up your data to an enterprise-based cloud backup solution, you could lose all the information you’ve worked so hard to attain.

Better yet, ask your IT professional to virtualize your entire network. This means all of your data and software. If you lose your onsite data and applications, everything will be quickly recoverable within a few hours.

A cloud backup, on the other hand, can take days to recover, and you won’t have access to your software applications.

But you have to do this now. You only have a few days left.

Above all, be safe everyone.


Hurricane Florence Is Ready To Impact The SE Coast.

Florence is spinning up to be a Category 4 Hurricane. It’s predicted to make landfall between North Carolina and Georgia this week.

Preparing For A Major Hurricane or Tropical Storm

When a hurricane is 36 hours from arriving

  • Turn on your TV or radio in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Restock your emergency preparedness kit. Include food and water sufficient for at least three days, medications, a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies.
  • Plan how to communicate with family members if you lose power. For example, you can call, text, email or use social media. Remember that during disasters, sending text messages is usually reliable and faster than making phone calls because phone lines are often overloaded.
  • Review your evacuation zone, evacuation route and shelter locations. Plan with your family. You may have to leave quickly so plan ahead.
  • Keep your car in good working condition, and keep the gas tank full; stock your vehicle with emergency supplies and a change of clothes.

When a hurricane is 18-36 hours from arriving

  • Bookmark your city or county website for quick access to storm updates and emergency instructions.
  • Bring loose, lightweight objects inside that could become projectiles in high winds (e.g., patio furniture, garbage cans); anchor objects that would be unsafe to bring inside (e.g., propane tanks); and trim or remove trees close enough to fall on the building.
  • Cover all of your home’s windows. Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows. A second option is to board up windows with 5/8” exterior grade or marine plywood, cut to fit and ready to install.

When a hurricane is 6-18 hours from arriving

  • Turn on your TV/radio, or check your city/county website every 30 minutes in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Charge your cell phone now so you will have a full battery in case you lose power.

When a hurricane is 6 hours from arriving

  • If you’re not in an area that is recommended for evacuation, plan to stay at home or where you are and let friends and family know where you are.
  • Close storm shutters, and stay away from windows. Flying glass from broken windows could injure you.
  • Turn your refrigerator or freezer to the coldest setting and open only when necessary. If you lose power, food will last longer. Keep a thermometer in the refrigerator to be able to check the food temperature when the power is restored.
  • Turn on your TV/radio, or check your city/county website every 30 minutes in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.

Survive DURING

  • If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Do not drive around barricades.
  • If sheltering during high winds, go to a FEMA safe room, ICC 500 storm shelter, or a small, interior, windowless room or hallway on the lowest floor that is not subject to flooding.
  • If trapped in a building by flooding, go to the highest level of the building. Do not climb into a closed attic. You may become trapped by rising flood water.
  • Listen for current emergency information and instructions.
  • Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machinery outdoors ONLY and away from windows.
  • Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn Around. Don’t Drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
  • Stay off of bridges over fast-moving water.


  • Listen to authorities for information and special instructions.
  • Be careful during clean-up. Wear protective clothing and work with someone else.
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. If it is safe to do so, turn off electricity at the main breaker or fuse box to prevent electric shock.
  • Avoid wading in flood water, which can contain dangerous debris. Underground or downed power lines can also electrically charge the water.
  • Save phone calls for emergencies. Phone systems are often down or busy after a disaster. Use text messages or social media to communicate with family and friends.
  • Document any property damage with photographs. Contact your insurance company for assistance.

Is Your IT Infrastructure Backed Up And Quickly Recoverable?

Many businesses aren’t prepared as they should be.

Yes, you’ve backed up your data to a storage device in the office, but won’t help if your building’s roof comes off. Your office will flood and your server, backup device, and computers will be left floating in Florence’s wake.

This may sound extreme, but it happens.

Unless your IT service company backs up your data to an enterprise-based cloud backup solution, you could lose all the information you’ve worked so hard to attain.

Better yet, ask your IT professional to virtualize your entire network. This means all of your data and software. If you lose your onsite data and applications, everything will be quickly recoverable within a few hours.

A cloud backup, on the other hand, can take days to recover, and you won’t have access to your software applications.

But you have to do this now. You only have a few days left.

Above all, be safe everyone.


Is Your Cloud Provider Prepared For A Disaster?


When companies fail at or are not prepared for a catastrophe, it’s often because they neglect to think that the unexpected is possible.

They often fall into one of two categories:

  • They assume disasters are unpredictable, so why prepare for them?
  • They fall into the allusion that their plans are fail proof (nobody can sink the Titanic).

Most disaster situations are simply due to a service outage or user error. But a catastrophe could wreak havoc on your business when you least expect it. Think about the thousands of companies in Houston that were shut down for weeks due to Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Nobody expected it, but it happened and many people were caught completely off guard.

Companies that take the time to be proactive are more likely to persist, despite a disaster. It requires a higher level of preparation than many businesses currently have. There are too many depending on a simple cloud backup service to save the day, but is that enough?

What is The Condition of Your Cloud Disaster Management Plan?

Current statistics show that more companies are taking inventory and calculating the risks of an attack on their IT infrastructure. However, there are still quite a few who are ill-informed and not doing enough.

Recently, a Forrester Research and Disaster Recovery report showed that up to 40% of companies currently have an official enterprise risk management program that is held accountable by a board or upper management. While the number of companies that are taking cloud disaster management seriously are improving, it’s obvious that not all companies are on board.

The difficulty with cloud disaster management, as with all disaster recovery programs, is that it’s never important until unexpectedly, it is. When a major disaster event occurs, it can take a company down in the blink of an eye.

Could This Happen to You?

HawkSoft, an Insurance Agency Management platform, was just hit with a ransomware attack. Their business had to shut down until they could deal with hackers. Are you ready for a ransomware attack? Does your team know what to do? More importantly, your employees should be well-trained so that they recognize suspicious emails and attachments and do not click on them to begin with.


Recently, Ticketfly was the victim of a data breach. Over 26 million customers who use Ticketfly to purchase concert tickets were affected. Ticketfly’s parent company, Eventbrite, revealed that customer names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers were stolen by hackers. The breach damaged the company’s reputation and left millions of customers looking for a new place to buy their tickets.

The company had rave reviews from its customers. They most likely had a very sophisticated security system. So what went wrong?

When it comes to disaster recovery, it’s vital to choose an IT services provider that consistently tests their disaster management procedures. They need the best security resources money can buy, but they also need a well-qualified team of pros who understands what’s at stake.

Your IT services company should do more than just provide dependable hosting. They must stay on top of new hacking schemes. They should be running simulations on a regular basis that test disaster preparedness. They should be doing this internally and for their clients.

How Can You Manage Cloud Disaster Recovery Solutions?

A good disaster recovery plan includes the core IT services and infrastructure that your company depends on. These assets should be fully protected with today’s most effective security solutions. You need a qualified team of people who know what to do in case there is a breach. Acting quickly always limits the damage and makes your company look better in the media. Your shareholders and investors should be fully involved.

What Does Your Company Need to Survive a Disaster?

Did you know that service outages are the most common disasters that companies encounter when it comes to IT issues? However, even though possessing a strong data center solution is essential, there are many other situations that can wreak havoc, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, and severe storms. Your team should have a thorough plan to address events like these. That means backing up your data both onsite and offsite using a reliable cloud solution.

Do You Have a Complete Disaster Management Program?

No one ever thinks about what would happen if heavy rain caused the roof of your data center to cave in. What if your offices were flooded in a big rainstorm? How long would it take to get things back up and running again? You could lose several weeks’ worth of work.

Cloud disaster management isn’t something you should figure out on your own. You need a partner with the information, experience, and resources to know what could happen and how to respond. Sometimes you don’t get a second chance.

You need a business leader in cloud disaster recovery, with proficiency that guards every part of an IT system, from application management, to cloud hosting. All your software programs and data should be backed up regularly so that everything can be restored quickly.

Disasters Are Expensive

Each day that your company is shut down costs you money. Many small businesses in Houston never recovered after Hurricane Harvey. They had to close their doors. They learned the hard way how important disaster recovery is, but you don’t have to.

Look for experts in cloud disaster recovery who will get to know your business and develop a unique plan that addresses all the areas that are important to your business, from applications to servers. Make sure they have a good track record and can deliver on their promises. Working with a proactive IT services provider can ensure that your company survives no matter what.

Do New Laws Improve Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP)?


It seems that small businesses rarely catch a break. Unfortunately, their employees often enjoy fewer perks than those working for larger corporations do. This is primarily because the smaller companies have fewer assets with which to work. Due to the smaller economic cushion, they also have a greater risk. That is why, when a fresh law is put into action for the “little guy,” it is newsworthy.


As with any new law, however, there are those that it benefits, those that are unaffected, and those that it may hurt. That’s why it’s good to stay informed.

What Are ESOPs?

ESOP stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plan. An ESOP allows the owner of a business to shift that ownership to his or her employees. This is often done by way of stocks or “shares.” In some companies, members buy stocks outright.

Other businesses require no upfront cost. The ESOP is part of an “employee benefits package.” It is considered part of his or her pay, and maybe figured as 50/50. This is where the company matches monies contributed by the employee. Often, the shares are held until retirement, and maybe, in fact, the bulk of that employee’s retirement.

Although ESOPs have existed much longer (just in different forms), they became prevalent in the 1980s. According to the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), a few of the largest ESOP companies include the following:

  • Brookshire Brothers
  • Enercon Services, Inc.
  • Krueger International, Inc.
  • McCarthy Building Company
  • Publix Super Markets, Inc.
  • Travel and Transport, Inc

By 2018, the number of ESOPs has been estimated at between 7,000 and 8,900. The number of participants is over 14 million.

What Are the Pros of Employee Stock Ownership Plans?

Reputedly, there are many benefits to participating in ESOPs. For example, they generally have a positive effect on employees. A few of the primary perks include the following:

  • Employees feel more invested in the company
  • Invested employees are typically harder workers
  • Employees feel a greater sense of job satisfaction
  • They have more job stability
  • They feel like a part of something greater than themselves
  • They often make a tidy profit

ESOPs are particularly beneficial in small companies where the primary owner is planning to retire. This allows for a smooth transition of power. As the company succeeds, the employees succeed, and morale rises.

What Are the Cons of ESOPs?

One of the potential problems with an Employee Stock Ownership Plan occurs when the value of the company decreases after an employee buys in. When the business is worth less, each employee’s stock decreases in value. This usually occurs with companies that have inconsistent profits.

An example of this would be the case of Lifetouch Inc., which was a popular photography company. They primarily specialized in school photos. As digital photography techniques became the demand, the company struggled to adjust. Business suffered.

The company stock in ESOP declined by $840-million between 2015 and 2018. Lawsuits were filed against individual members of the Board of Directors. Unfortunately, the company’s ESOP was not protected against such losses. This is one example of what could go wrong with this type of retirement plan.

How Does the New Law Work and Who Does It Benefit?

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand introduced the Main Street Employee Ownership Act in May 2018. This ESOP law is the first to focus on employee ownership in the last 20 years. It eases the process for distributing loans for those transferring to an ESOP. However, there are no additional funds being allocated for this process.

Generally, the new ESOP law is thought to primarily benefit small to mid-sized businesses. More specifically, it targets the Small Business Administration (SBA) in two ways. First, it directs them to make small business loans more readily available to cooperatives. A Cooperatives is a style of business organization that is owned and run by the employees. They also share in the profits.

Second, it encourages the SBA to work with country-wide Small Business Development Centers (SBDC). SBDCs provide consultation and training to small businesses that are transitioning to an ESOP.

The ESOP Association’s president, J. Michael Keeling, was reported as saying the following:

“This law will help organizations better understand how to pursue a strategy of shared capitalism—something that our country’s founders agreed was vital to the health of our nation.”

In Conclusion

Whether Employee Stock Ownership Plans are the wave of the future is difficult to tell. The new law provides many benefits that make it an attractive proposition. It paves the way for small and mid-sized companies to more easily transfer ownership to employees. Consultation and training are more readily available for those companies wanting to make this transition. It also improves the ability to obtain loans. Overall, it appears things will be brighter for small businesses. As with anything, only time will tell.


Health & Human Services OIG Report Finds Maryland Did Not Properly Secure Its MMIS System

Maryland Healthcare Data Breach

An Inspector General’s (OIG) report from the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that Maryland failed to secure its Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) against several avenues of attack.

Maryland Healthcare Data Breach

What Security Violations Did Maryland Commit?

The report, available in summary form at OIG Report on Maryland MMIS Security, does not go into detail for fear of revealing the nature of the vulnerabilities and possibly exposing the MMIS to penetration. It does note that, in addition to other techniques, automated penetration testing tools were used in an attempt to break into the system. The report indicates that these tools succeeded.

How Attacks Are Evolving

Other reports have noted that automated penetration tools are getting more sophisticated over time, and now far exceed the sort of attacks that were driven by “script kiddies” in the last decade. On top of that, despite increased efforts at email security and training workers in cybersecurity hygiene, phishing attacks, in which a phony email is used to get a user to perform an action that leads to system penetration, are all too common.

Because of the lack of detail in the OIG report, we can only speculate about what was attacked and what methods of penetration were used. Consider this, though. The typical MMIS is a mainframe-based system that is communicated with from terminals. It usually runs some version of Windows over networks that often must, of necessity, be routed partially over the public internet. Even if a virtual private network (VPN) is used for the connection, the “attack surface” – the set of points and vulnerabilities that led a bad actor to attack a system – is expansive.

All the attacker has to do is gain access to an unencrypted portion of the traffic. Inserting malware, such as ransomware or keyloggers, is simple from that point on. The lesson is that one must avoid penetration at all costs.

Was There A Cyber Security Attack on the Maryland MMIS?

The OIG report specifically notes that there is no evidence that the Maryland system had, in fact, been penetrated. But consider what might have happened if it had. The MMIS is used to pay Medicaid providers. While providers often complain that Medicaid payments are less than their cost of service, the aggregate amount of money involved is huge. Nationally, Medicaid spent almost 596 billion dollars in 2017. The expense is very roughly split 50/50 between the states and the Federal government for the traditional Medicaid population. For the people that were brought in under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion, the Federal government pays 90%.

A Huge Payday for Hackers

So, there is a pool of more than half a trillion dollars, potentially payable to providers, for hackers to attack. The MMIS in most states has modules for beneficiary enrollment, provider enrollment, recording of services rendered, and provider payments. A hacker who had control of the system could create phantom beneficiaries, phantom providers, bill for nonexistent services, and generate checks to pay the nonsexist providers for not providing them. Once the hacker is in the system, a potentially huge piggy bank is opened. The OIG’s principal worry in its report was the possible exposure of Medicaid data to the public, but the possibilities for fraud are equally worrying.

Why Does It Take So Long For Hacking To Be Discovered?

How quickly such a penetration would be detected is a function of the security measures the state has in place. The mere fact of finding a penetration does not, in and of itself, reveal where the miscreant was or what the hacker did. That requires checking of audit logs and development of a trail. Depending on what events are logged, even that might not be enough. In a worst-case scenario, not until some other event – a beneficiary notice returned as undeliverable, a bank questioning an electronic deposit, and so on – would sufficient suspicion be generated to lead to the discovery of phony providers and phony beneficiaries.

Holes In The Medicaid System

The MMIS includes tools for surveillance and utilization review, but their basic functions are still fairly unsophisticated, relying on detection of statistical outliers. Depending on where the limits are set, cases that are truly concerning may be missed. We can draw some instructive lessons from looking at what has been found out about HIV drug prescriptions under Medicare. In one case, a 48-year-old in Miami went to 28 different pharmacies to pick up HIV drugs worth over $200,000 dollars, in doses that were more than ten times what the typical HIV patient gets in a year (see Suspicious Prescriptions for HIV Drugs in Medicare).

Wrap Up

Maryland’s MMIS has parts that first came online in 1996. A contract to replace the system was terminated in 2015 and the case between the state and the prime contractor is now in the courts. Maryland’s experience in attempting to replace its MMIS system is not unique. Despite its surface simplicity, MMIS systems can involve hundreds of modules providing thousands of different functions that often have to interface with other state systems such as finance, enrollment and eligibility, public health, social services, and the state’s education system.

Designing and programming one is not easy. When it has to interface with multiple-aged legacy systems that the MMIS contractor has no control over, the job is even harder.