Giving Devices As Gifts? Follow These Security Tips for Parents & Guardians

As the holiday season approaches, many parents and guardians are eager to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Among the popular items on children’s wish lists are various devices such as tablets, smartphones, and game consoles. While the idea of gifting the latest technology to your child can be exciting, it’s crucial to think about their online safety beforehand.

To ensure a memorable and safe experience for your child (or whoever may be receiving the gift), it’s essential to prepare adequately before handing over any new device. From researching the device to setting it up prior to giving the gift, and fostering open communication with your young one, you can make informed decisions about their online activity. By following these guidelines, you will not only provide a wonderful gift but also promote a secure experience for your child.

Key Takeaways

  • Prepare for the new device by researching and setting it up in advance
  • Don’t rely on default settings to ensure online safety
  • Establish a Family Agreement and maintain open communication with your if necessary

Investigate the Device

Utilize search engines to explore opinions from parents and guardians about the device your child desires and its impact on others. Consult with your acquaintances or others during school runs for additional viewpoints.

Common Sense Media assesses games, apps, and services, assisting you in determining their suitability for your child.

After selecting a device, examine the available parental controls and privacy settings to ensure online safety, manage the internet and app usage, and mitigate technology risks such as exposure to inappropriate content or social media sites.

Set up the device ahead of your child opening it

Ensuring the most secure and worry-free experience for your child starts with preparing the device before giving it to them. Familiarize yourself with the tablet, phone or console, and set up safety settings and parental controls to your satisfaction.

When handing down a second-hand device, make sure to reset it to factory settings, removing any pre-existing apps and settings.

For Android devices, you can manage content restrictions in Google Play to control what can be downloaded. On Apple devices, go to Content & Privacy Restrictions in Screen Time to block and limit specific apps, restrict explicit content, and manage purchases and downloads.

While setting up parental controls is essential to your child’s online safety, remember that open communication with your child is equally important. To further explore parental controls, consider visiting relevant web pages and create a Childnet Family Agreement for clear guidelines and expectations.

Don’t Presume Default Settings Offer Maximum Security

When gifting devices this holiday season, it’s crucial to consider the online safety of your loved ones, particularly parents and caregivers. Default settings on new devices might not offer the highest level of security, so it’s essential to go through them and make adjustments as needed.

  • Double-check privacy settings: Ensure that the privacy settings are adjusted according to your preference, limiting access to personal information and enhancing overall safety. 
  • Enable parental controls: Many devices come with parental control features, but they may not be activated by default. Make sure to turn these on to restrict inappropriate content and monitor usage. 
  • App safety: Carefully examine the default apps, as some may include in-app purchases or collect personal information by default. Adjust their settings or uninstall them if needed. 
  • Strong passwords & multi-factor authentication: Create strong, unique passwords for every device and account, and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible to provide an additional layer of security. 
  • Software updates: Ensure all devices are up to date with the latest software and security patches. This helps prevent potential vulnerabilities and keeps devices protected. 

Taking the time to verify and adjust default settings on gifted devices will dramatically enhance the online safety for your family and loved ones.

Establish a Family Agreement

Creating a family agreement aids in defining limitations and setting expectations regarding your family’s device usage. It encourages discussions about internet utilization among family members. As technology evolves and new devices enter your household, it’s essential to update the agreement accordingly.

When your child obtains a new device, consider revising the agreement to clearly outline usage rules, including location, duration, and guidelines for app downloads or purchases. This helps maintain boundaries and ensures quality time with family.

  • Children: New devices and usage rules
  • Families: Establish expectations
  • Family Agreement: Updates as technology changes
  • Boundaries: Clear guidelines for device usage
  • Quality Time: Maintaining balance between technology and family interaction

Having a Conversation

When guiding your child through the digital world, it’s crucial to ensure they understand the importance of approaching you for assistance when faced with unfamiliar or troubling content. Despite enabling parental controls, no system is entirely foolproof. That’s why preparing your child to handle unwanted content is essential.

Consider incorporating these useful tips to better equip your child:

  • Teach them to use “report” and “block” tools effectively
  • Show how to turn off the device and seek help from a trusted adult

One of the keys to building trust is to engage in regular conversations with your child about their online activities. Approach these discussions with curiosity rather than anger; if they feel comfortable and confident, they will turn to you with any issues they encounter. Some ideas to strike up a conversation with your child include:

  • Asking about their favorite apps and websites
  • Requesting their help with an online task

By fostering open communication, you can help ensure your child’s safety online.

Don’t Allow Unsecured Gadgets to Put Your Family at Risk

When giving devices as gifts this holiday season, it’s essential to consider the online safety of your family members. As a parent or caregiver, consider following the precautionary measures listed above to ensure a secure digital experience. By following these guidelines, you are taking necessary steps to safeguard your family’s online safety while enjoying the benefits of modern technology over the holidays.


Holiday Scams: Safeguarding Your Festive Celebrations from Fraudsters

As the holiday season approaches, (beginning a few weeks ago back with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday), millions of people will engage in online shopping to find gifts for their loved ones. Along with the anticipation and excitement of the holidays, however, comes an increase in scammers trying to deceive people into giving away their money and personal information. With the latest information and insight into online holiday shopping, you can arm yourself with the knowledge necessary to identify and avoid these deceptive tricks.

Recent findings reveal that the average loss to victims of shopping scams during the holiday season was a staggering $1,500, resulting in a decline of consumer confidence in the ability to shop online safely from 89% to 72%. 

To no surprise, many Americans (56%) are concerned about becoming a victim of cyber crimes this holiday season. With online shopping scams, phishing scams, delivery notification scams, and gift card scams being the most common, it is crucial to stay informed and vigilant in order to enjoy a secure holiday shopping experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Be aware of common holiday scams including online shopping, phishing, delivery notifications, and gift card scams.
  • Consumer confidence in online shopping has dropped, emphasizing the need for vigilance and secure practices.
  • Educate yourself and stay informed to protect against cyber threats and potential holiday scams.

10 Holiday Scams to Be Cautious of in 2023

1. Online Shopping Scams

Beware of online shopping scams where fraudsters create fake websites mimicking popular retailers. They lure victims in with heavily discounted prices and enticing perks like free shipping. Be extra cautious when shopping for electronics, toys, clothing, and other holiday gifts.

2. Phishing Scams

Phishing scams involve cybercriminals posing as trusted sources to trick you into clicking malicious links or sharing personal information. Be skeptical of any unexpected emails, text messages, or instant messages requesting sensitive data.

3. Bogus Delivery Scams

As you await your holiday packages, be alert of fake delivery notifications from scammers impersonating postal services or well-known brands like Amazon, FedEx, or UPS. Never enter personal or financial information on unverified sites linked from such notifications.

4. Gift Card Scams

Scammers may text, call, or email you with a fraudulent financial issue and demand repayment by sending gift card numbers and PINs. Always verify the legitimacy of any request for gift card payments.

5. Overpayment Scams

Overpayment scams involve a scammer offering to buy an item with a check amounting to more than the asking price. They then request the excess amount back, only for their check to later bounce, leaving the seller at a loss.

6. Charity Scams

During the holiday season, generosity can be exploited by scammers imitating genuine charities or creating fake ones to steal your donations. Always research before donating and stick to reputable organizations.

7. Travel-Related Booking Scams

Travel-related booking scams feature fake hotel and flight booking sites luring victims into sharing personal data or making payments. Stick to well-known and legitimate travel booking sites and avoid deals that seem too good to be true.

8. Fake Gift Exchanges

Be cautious of “Secret Sister” gift exchanges on social media, which are pyramid schemes falsely promising an abundance of gifts in return for one gift and your personal information. Stick to traditional events like White Elephant or Secret Santa exchanges.

9. Temporary Holiday Job Scams

Scammers may send tempting job offers via email, urging you to click on a link for further information or provide personal data. Be critical of any unsolicited job offers and verify the company’s legitimacy before pursuing an opportunity.

10. Imposter Scams

Imposter scams involve scammers pretending to be someone you trust in order to trick you into sending money or providing personal data. Always verify the identity of the sender before responding to unfamiliar messages.

How to Stay Secure this Holiday Season

As you prepare for the festivities, it’s essential to remember that security is equally important. During the holiday season, scammers are on the lookout for susceptible individuals. Follow these tips to ensure your cyber safety:

  1. Be cautious with promotional emails: Cybercriminals often use holiday-themed spam emails to spread malware. To avoid falling victim, always verify the sender’s address, be cautious of unsolicited emails, and refrain from clicking on unknown links or attachments.

  2. Use strong and unique passwords: Holiday shopping often requires numerous accounts. Make sure to create strong, unique passwords for each one, and consider using a password manager.

  3. Keep software up-to-date: Regularly update your computer and devices’ operating systems, antivirus software, and web browsers. These updates often contain essential security patches.

  4. Be mindful of public Wi-Fi: Using public Wi-Fi networks can expose your data to hackers. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your connection if you must use public Wi-Fi.

  5. Secure your online transactions: When making online purchases, ensure the website uses secure socket layer (SSL) encryption indicated by a padlock icon in the address bar. Also, always use a credit card instead of a debit card for better fraud protection.

By following these simple steps, you can safeguard your information during the holiday season and enjoy stress-free festivities.

Don’t Let Scammers Ruin Your Holidays

When planning for the holidays, it’s crucial to stay vigilant against potential scams that could ruin your festivities. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can safeguard yourself from holiday scams and focus on enjoying the festive season.