What Is A vCIO And Why Do You Need One?

A Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides an invaluable service for your business. It’s their job to understand your organization completely and offer strategic IT planning, analysis, and overall IT management.

They’re dedicated to finding ways to grow your business through new technology and technology-driven processes. By keeping an eye on both your business and the tech industry landscape, your CIO can make sure that you are getting the maximum benefit from all of your technology investments.

However, finding an experienced CIO that is willing to carry out executive-level duties on a small business salary is a near-impossible task. Many businesses can’t even afford to even try to hire someone to fill this position—but just because the resources aren’t there, it doesn’t mean that the need for CIO services isn’t there either.

It can be expensive to hire someone just to take care of their IT and strategy. Payscale estimates the current average salary for a CIO in the US is $324,176. Can you afford that?

More often than not, strategy is left to the leadership in general. It’s everyone’s responsibility to talk about it at meetings, but no one’s specific job. How can you reconcile these two issues: the need for a CIO, and the difficulty that comes with hiring and employing one? By outsourcing the job altogether…

Hire A vCIO From Our Team

A virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) is an experienced IT professional who has an in-depth understanding of business strategy and technology. Could your business benefit from strategic IT planning that aligns your technology strategy and spending with your overall business goals?

A vCIO handles your firm’s IT needs.

As the vCIO, they will advise you on everything from IT security to operations. Their job is to keep your technology running efficiently, and with an eye to the future. A vCIO will also help you cut IT operating costs, confirm that your technology is running securely and that it enables your people to work efficiently each day.

Your vCIO will work closely with your business to make sure that you’re making the right technology investments. Our focus is not just on what is best for your business today, but what will benefit your business down the road.

Ours vCIO services include:

  • Analysis of business practices and existing technology to understand how YOU use IT.
  • Understanding how your staff uses IT on a daily basis to help them improve productivity.
  • Guidance on strategic IT investments and overall budgeting.
  • Creation of a 3-year IT plan focused on adopting cost-effective technology to streamline business operations.
  • Planning for technology refreshes and strategies in the long-term to maximize IT’s impact on business operations.
  • Regular reviews of your IT plan to discover new solutions to improve productivity and streamline operations.

Truly effective strategy can’t come from the occasional meeting. It requires real focus and ongoing effort—investing in a vCIO that will do that for you today.

Your vCIO Is Part Of Our Comprehensive Managed IT Services Suite

While a vCIO is critical to long-term success with your IT environment, they only play a role in the overall approach we deliver. As the strategic leader, the vCIO focuses on high-level strategy and budgeting, ensuring that the organization’s technology aligns with its overall goals and objectives. By understanding your business’s needs and objectives, the vCIO can develop a technology roadmap that supports growth and innovation

While the vCIO handles the strategic aspects, our engineers, support technicians, and managers are responsible for ensuring that daily IT tasks are handled efficiently. These professionals work together to maintain your organization’s IT infrastructure, troubleshoot technical issues, and provide timely support to your end-users. With our dedicated team of experts on your side, you can trust that your IT systems are running smoothly, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

The collaboration between the vCIO and the technical team is essential for a successful managed IT services arrangement. The vCIO provides guidance and direction to the technical team, ensuring that their efforts are aligned with the organization’s strategic goals. Regular communication and coordination between the vCIO and the technical team help to bridge the gap between high-level strategy and day-to-day operations, resulting in a well-rounded and efficient IT environment.

We Will Be Your Expert IT Advisor

As your vCIO, we consult on every big decision that involves technology and answer all the other small questions along the way.
Proper planning not only helps you to avoid technological missteps that can often result in IT issues, but it also adds further value to your company as it develops. Having an experienced technology professional in your corner provides you and your organization with a key technology advisor
Get in touch with us to start strategizing your IT today.

What You Need To Know About Technology Planning

If your IT budget isn’t going as far as you’d like, then you need to start planning it sooner rather than later. By understanding the value IT offers, you can learn how to better spend your IT budget.

IT planning is a key oversight in today’s business world…

Businesses Are Bad At Technology Planning

Despite the fact that 93% of surveyed businesses recognize that IT is strategically and operationally critical (Wakefield Research), very few are doing anything to properly plan their IT:

  • 66% find that the amount they’re budgeting towards IT isn’t enough to keep up with what they need from it.
  • 77% of those with less than 100 employees have found that their investments in IT are too limited
  • A third of those surveyed said that less than 10% of their strategic planning was about IT

That’s why you need to ensure you’re planning your budget properly. That means knowing what your priorities should be, and how to invest in them.

3 Key Considerations For Your Next Technology Plan

Keep the following in mind when planning your IT investments:


You cannot afford to underinvest in your cybersecurity. Even a single breach can cost you tens of thousands of dollars. That’s why you should arrange for a cybersecurity assessment to double-check for any vulnerabilities and remediate them.

Track Tech Lifecycles

Do you know how old your computers are? At a certain point, they will reach End Of Life, which means that you won’t get bug fixes or security updates from the developers any longer.

Over time, the security and reliability of these systems will make your computers vulnerable:

  • Your computers could be infected by malware
  • Your antivirus won’t be updated 
  • Your online banking transaction protection may expire, and 
  • Your financial data could be exposed to theft.  

That’s why you need to have a detailed schedule of your hardware and operating systems’ lifecycles, so that you can plan ahead of new purchases and upgrades.

Supply Chain Issues

Don’t forget that new technology is in high demand, and the available supply is especially low. Any new technology purchases you will make will likely take much longer to fulfill.

Don’t Put Off Your IT Budget

With IT shifting from just another piece of equipment in the office to the core of operations and a key aspect of how you defend your business, you should designate it as a central part of your budget. This also means that you must assess and clearly define how IT aligns with your business objectives to decide what you’ll need for the coming years.

Proper IT budgeting will help you lay a foundation for success for the future. Using the right IT solutions can help you:

  • Accelerate your business growth
  • Increase your operational effectiveness
  • Ensure optimal productivity from your employees
  • Overcome operational challenges
  • Increase collaboration and communication

We Will Help You Plan Your IT

IT budget planning doesn’t have to be a frustrating process. 

Our team will develop a strategic plan specifically for your company to make sure you’re investing in the right solutions to truly help you meet your overall objectives and exceed your goals, in order to reach new heights within your business. 

Effective IT planning should result in a wide range of benefits for any operation in any industry. 

Benefits include:

  • Increased productivity
  • Minimized downtime and disruptions
  • Increased and customized security measures
  • Enhanced time management 
  • More effective communication 
  • The best possible return on your IT investments

Keep in mind, IT strategy isn’t a one-time thing. We can work alongside your team to provide ongoing guidance, support, and services. Get in touch with our team to get started on your next technology budget and overall IT plan.

The Growing Significance of Endpoint Security

With the increasing number of cyber threats targeting endpoints, businesses must prioritize endpoint protection to safeguard their clients’ sensitive data and ensure uninterrupted business operations. 

In this blog, we will delve into the growing significance of endpoint security and explore why you need to make it a top priority.

5 Reasons You Can’t Overlook Endpoint Security

Protection Against Malware

Endpoint security is crucial for businesses as it provides a robust defense against malware threats. With advanced detection and prevention mechanisms, it safeguards endpoints from malicious software that can compromise sensitive data and disrupt operations.

Data Loss Prevention

Endpoint security helps prevent data breaches and loss by implementing encryption, access controls, and data backup solutions. By securing endpoints, businesses can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their critical information assets.

Mitigating Insider Threats

Endpoint security plays a vital role in mitigating insider threats by monitoring and controlling user activities. It helps detect and prevent unauthorized access, data exfiltration, and malicious insider actions, reducing the risk of internal breaches.

Safeguarding Remote Workforce

With the rise of remote work, endpoint security becomes even more critical. It protects endpoints outside the traditional network perimeter, securing devices, and data regardless of their location, ensuring a secure remote work environment.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Endpoint security is essential for businesses to meet compliance and regulatory requirements. It helps enforce security policies, track and report security incidents, and demonstrate adherence to industry-specific regulations, avoiding penalties and reputational damage.

How To Select Your Endpoint Security

Evaluate Comprehensive Protection

Look for an endpoint security solution that offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Real-time threat detection
  • Advanced malware protection
  • Firewall capabilities
  • Data encryption

A comprehensive solution ensures holistic protection for your business.

Consider Scalability and Compatibility

Ensure that the endpoint security solution can scale with your business growth and is compatible with your existing IT infrastructure. It should seamlessly integrate with your network and support various operating systems and devices to provide consistent protection across all endpoints.

Prioritize User-Friendliness

Opt for an endpoint security solution that is easy to deploy, manage, and use. A user-friendly interface and intuitive controls will save time and effort for your IT team, allowing them to focus on other critical tasks.

Assess Performance and Resource Impact

Test the solution’s performance impact on endpoints and system resources. It should provide robust security without significantly slowing down devices or causing disruptions. Look for solutions that offer efficient resource utilization and minimal impact on user productivity.

Don’t Let Your Unsecured Endpoints Put You At Risk

As the threat landscape continues to evolve, businesses must adapt and prioritize endpoint security to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. By implementing robust endpoint protection measures, businesses can mitigate risks, protect sensitive data, and maintain a secure computing environment. 

Remember, endpoint security is not just an option; it is a necessity in today’s digital age. So, let’s embrace the growing significance of endpoint security and work together to build a resilient and secure IT infrastructure for businesses of all sizes.

If you need expert assistance deploying or managing your endpoint security measures, reach out to our team. 

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

As organizations strive to protect their sensitive data and maintain a robust security posture, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity has emerged as a game-changer. AI-powered solutions offer a proactive and intelligent approach to identify, prevent, and mitigate cyber threats. 

In this blog, we will explore the transformative potential of AI in cybersecurity and how businesses can leverage the expertise of IT companies to harness its power effectively.

5 Ways AI Is Changing Cybersecurity

Advanced Threat Detection

AI is revolutionizing business security by enabling advanced threat detection capabilities. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and detect anomalies that may indicate potential security breaches. This helps businesses proactively identify and respond to threats, minimizing the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks.

Behavioral Analytics

AI-powered behavioral analytics systems can monitor user behavior and identify deviations from normal patterns. By continuously learning and adapting to user behavior, these systems can detect suspicious activities, such as unauthorized access attempts or insider threats. This helps businesses detect and mitigate security risks in real-time, enhancing overall security posture.

Intelligent Authentication

AI is enhancing authentication processes by incorporating biometric technologies such as facial recognition, voice recognition, and fingerprint scanning. These advanced authentication methods provide stronger security measures compared to traditional passwords or PINs, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive business systems and data.

Automated Security Incident Response

AI-driven security solutions can automate the incident response process, enabling faster and more efficient threat mitigation. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, these systems can analyze security incidents, prioritize them based on severity, and initiate automated responses or recommendations for security teams to take immediate action.

Predictive Analytics for Risk Assessment

AI-powered predictive analytics can assess potential security risks by analyzing historical data, identifying trends, and predicting future threats. This helps businesses proactively address vulnerabilities, allocate resources effectively, and implement preventive measures to mitigate risks before they materialize.

What AI-Powered Cybersecurity Means For You

AI offers immense potential in enhancing cybersecurity by augmenting human capabilities, automating processes, and detecting and responding to threats in real-time. 

With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns, AI can quickly identify anomalies and potential security breaches that may go unnoticed by traditional security systems. This proactive approach enables organizations to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

When it comes to selecting AI-powered cybersecurity solutions, it is essential to consider a few key factors. Firstly, the solution should have advanced machine learning algorithms that can continuously learn and adapt to new threats. This ensures that the system remains effective even as cyber threats evolve. Additionally, the solution should have robust data analytics capabilities to process and analyze large volumes of data efficiently.

Furthermore, the solution should integrate seamlessly with existing security infrastructure to provide a comprehensive defense mechanism. Compatibility with other security tools and systems allows for a holistic approach to cybersecurity, leveraging the strengths of both AI and human expertise.

It is also crucial to consider the reputation and track record of the AI solution provider. Look for established vendors with a proven history of delivering reliable and effective cybersecurity solutions. Consider factors such as their experience, customer reviews, and partnerships with industry-leading organizations.

Leveraging AI for cybersecurity is a matter of selecting the right solutions that are supported by AI capabilities. By choosing advanced AI-powered solutions with robust machine learning algorithms, data analytics capabilities, and seamless integration, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity posture and effectively combat ever-evolving cyber threats.

Don’t Overlook The Power Of AI

Overall, AI is transforming business security solutions and processes by providing advanced threat detection, behavioral analytics, intelligent authentication, automated incident response, and predictive risk assessment capabilities. These advancements empower businesses to stay one step ahead of cyber threats and protect their valuable assets.

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, businesses must stay one step ahead of malicious actors. Embracing the power of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity is no longer a luxury but a necessity. 

By partnering with IT companies that specialize in AI-driven solutions, businesses can fortify their defenses, detect threats in real-time, and respond swiftly to mitigate potential damages. The future of cybersecurity lies in the hands of intelligent machines working in tandem with human expertise, and by harnessing this synergy, businesses can safeguard their digital assets and thrive in the face of ever-evolving cyber threats.

If you need expert assistance deploying or managing your AI-assisted security measures, reach out to our team. 


5 Things You Should Know About Your Current (Or Next) IT Support Company

In today’s tech-dependant world, businesses heavily rely on IT companies to support their operations and drive growth. However, it’s not enough to simply hire an IT company based on their reputation or services alone. To truly maximize the benefits of IT support, it is crucial to know your IT company on a deeper level. 

Here’s a secret: IT professionals agree that you can tell how good a client is going to be by the questions they ask. So, whether you’re looking at new IT companies or still getting to know the one you’re with right now, make sure you get the answers you need to better understand what you’re paying for.

5 Questions You Need The Answers To

Does your IT company understand your strategy?

Understanding your business strategy enables the IT company to align their services with your goals and objectives. By having a clear understanding of your strategic direction, they can tailor their IT solutions to support your specific needs. Whether it’s expanding into new markets, implementing innovative technologies, or streamlining operations, an IT company that fully comprehends your business strategy can provide strategic guidance and implement solutions that drive your success.

An IT company that understands your business strategy can act as a trusted advisor. They can offer valuable insights and recommendations on how technology can be leveraged to achieve your strategic objectives. 

By staying informed about your business goals, they can proactively identify opportunities for improvement, suggest innovative solutions, and help you stay ahead of the competition. This partnership fosters a collaborative environment where the IT company becomes an integral part of your business strategy, working together towards shared success.

When an IT company understands your business strategy, they can effectively support your initiatives, scale their services, and onboard new users during mergers or acquisitions. They can align their solutions with your goals, provide strategic guidance, and act as a trusted advisor. This level of understanding and collaboration ensures that technology becomes an enabler for your business strategy, driving growth and success.

What’s your IT company’s 5-year plan?

This is a simple concept, but it’s almost always overlooked by IT clients. Have you ever asked your IT company what their macro business plan is?

You may be surprised by what you find out. Some companies are simply seeking more and more clients in order to grow their value and seek a buyout. Others are looking to rapidly expand and diversify. Often, the IT company’s business plan, if realized, can affect the quality of service the clients receive. 

Make sure to keep this in mind, and keep an eye on your IT company as they grow and develop. It may give you insight into changes in service quality, or potential new offering they may be able to make available to you. 

How do they handle renewal/termination of service?

Always have an exit strategy—there’s a chance that you’ll find managed services in general, or that IT company, in particular, isn’t right for you. Or, the opposite could happen: you’ll be perfectly satisfied with the services and will want to renew them. 

That’s why it’s smart to know how the renewal/termination process will work ahead of time:

  • Should the managed services contract terminate, does it require a monthly or annual renewal?
  • Will you incur any penalties for ending your service before the expiration date? 
  • What is considered acceptable, in the contract, for the IT company to cancel the agreement on their end?

What is their track record?

 Whether this is a new IT company you’re considering or your current partner, it’s important to look at their capabilities in the most exact terms available. 

  • Do they have KPIs, benchmarks, score cards, or other qualitative trackers available for review?
  • What is their CSAT, and how has it changed over time?
  • What stats can they provide on your service ticket resolutions over the past quarter?

What do their other clients say?

No matter how great a company may seem, remember that you can’t take their word for it; or, not entirely. It’s important to seek testimonials and case studies about a potential partner before you sign on the dotted line. 

Furthermore, where available, it’s a good idea to talk to other clients of your current IT company. Whether it’s a peer group, a monthly happy hour get-together, or an annual appreciation client social, this is a great opportunity to find out how other clients are benefitting from the company’s IT services and whether you could change your approach to service usage. 

It’s Never Too Late To Know More

The bottom line is that you should always be striving to make better use of the investment you’ve made in IT services. A lazy IT company loves a disengaged client that pays them hundreds or thousands a month just for the occasional password reset or workstation installation. The more you pay attention, the better ROI you’ll get. 

3 Ways To Be A Better IT Client

IT blogs are usually about determining the pedigree of a given IT company. What do they offer? How do they perform? What makes them different?

It’s easy to overlook your role in the process. Here’s the hard truth: you may not be getting the best ROI for your monthly fees in IT support, and part of the problem might be you.

If you want to be a better IT client and maximize the return you get on your investment in IT services, make sure to keep the following three best practices in mind.

3 Best Practices For Ideal IT Clients

Are you doing your homework?

Ideally your IT company will take care of 99% of the work involved with maintaining and optimizing your IT environment. However, from time to time, you may have to perform a task here and there.

This is especially important at the very beginning when you are being onboarded. You generally have to fill out a lot of documentation to capture critical information such as passwords, domains, licenses, etc.

Did you keep up with that homework? Even if your onboarding period is long past, are there still questions you haven’t answered?

It’s important to keep in mind that this may allow your IT company to justify a lower quality of service, or otherwise impede them in critical situations. Without all that information, they won’t be able to do their jobs as effectively as they’d like to. That’s why you need to be sure you’ve done everything you’re supposed to, and can let your IT company work the way they need to.

Are you using all of their available services?

By fully engaging with the services they are paying for, you can unlock the full potential of your IT investments. IT companies offer a wide range of solutions beyond the help desk, such as IT consulting, managed services, cloud solutions, cybersecurity, and more. Each of these services is designed to address specific business needs and challenges, providing tailored solutions that can drive growth and efficiency.

Engaging with a broader range of IT services allows you to access customized solutions that align with their unique business goals. While the helpdesk provides immediate support for technical issues, other services can offer strategic guidance, proactive monitoring, and long-term planning. By leveraging these additional solutions, you can optimize your IT infrastructure, enhance security measures, and align technology with their overall business strategy.

Furthermore, technology is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. By fully engaging with IT services, you can tap into the expertise and knowledge of IT professionals who are up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements. This enables businesses to leverage emerging technologies, implement innovative solutions, and gain a competitive edge in their respective markets.

Who is your point of contact?

It sounds simple, but we’ve had a lot of clients that can’t answer this question. Sure, you may have the direct number for the CEO of your IT company, but is that the most efficient way to get the help you need?

Probably not. More likely, your IT company has assigned a staff member as your point of contact. If you’re circumventing this person, whether out of convenience or otherwise, you’re likely adding minutes or even hours to the support process.

The point is that if you engage with your IT company in the way that’s dictated by their core processes, everything will function more smoothly.

Don’t Be A Bad IT Client

Fully engaging with the services provided by IT companies is essential for you to maximize the value of your IT investments. By going beyond the help desk and exploring the full range of solutions available, you can unlock tailored solutions, stay ahead of the curve, maximize efficiency, and proactively address potential challenges.

Embracing a holistic approach to IT services enables businesses to leverage technology as a strategic asset, driving growth, and achieving long-term success in today’s digital landscape.

How Microsoft Teams Supports Your Business Culture

Need help enhancing your staff members’ productivity, job satisfaction and general engagement at work? Try these Microsoft Teams apps.

Microsoft Teams is an increasingly popular collaboration tool that can help improve staff engagement and satisfaction. It allows teams to communicate, collaborate, and manage projects all in one place.

While Microsoft Teams’ range of standard features is extremely useful in the workplace, they’re not the only tools you should be using. Did you know that Microsoft Teams offer a range of add-on apps as well?

These apps, when properly selected, deployed, and managed, can do a lot to enhance your company culture. All of this has to do with your staff’s engagement in their work…

Why Do You Need To Support Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement, or the level of involvement and enthusiasm an employee has in their job, is a key factor in any successful business. A strong engagement strategy will result in employees that feel valued, respected, and motivated to do their best work. 

It is well-documented that engagement levels directly affect productivity and quality. Studies have shown that engagement leads to higher job satisfaction, improved morale, and better customer service. Companies with higher engagement levels are more likely to be profitable, attract and retain top talent, reduce staff turnover rates and create a positive work environment. 

Engagement goes beyond simply providing good working conditions; it’s about creating an atmosphere where employees want to come to work every day. This involves cultivating a sense of purpose in every worker by connecting them with the company mission statement as well as maintaining open communication between management and employees. When staff members understand how their role fits into the bigger picture, they tend to become more invested in their tasks which leads to higher engagement levels. 

In addition to this, businesses should provide opportunities for professional growth through ongoing training programs or workshops that teach new skills and help staff develop within their roles while providing increased job satisfaction. Recognizing employee achievements through public commendations or rewards can also help boost engagement levels as it creates a feeling of accomplishment while motivating others at the same time. 

Finally, fostering a culture of fun within the workplace can be beneficial for engagement levels by boosting morale and improving job satisfaction among staff members. Organizing team building activities or special company events can go a long way in helping create a positive atmosphere for everyone involved; giving people something enjoyable to look forward to on top of just their everyday tasks will help them become more vested in their role at the company overall. 

All these combined strategies contribute towards creating an engaged workforce capable of delivering outstanding results for both customers and employers alike; ultimately making employee engagement one of the most important components of any business’ success today.

3 Ways Microsoft Teams Supports Your Business Culture

Gauge Team Engagement

The first step in enhancing engagement is understanding the current state of your company culture. You can’t expect to make any progress if you don’t know where you’re starting from. 

Microsoft Teams add-on apps like SurveyMonkey, Betterworks, and Insight HR can help you keep track of employees’ engagement, demeanor, and priorities. You can create surveys to gauge how your team is doing, track progress of key tasks, and better inform your check-in meetings and performance reviews. 

Engaging with staff members and ensuring they are enjoying their work is an important part of any successful company culture. It is important to check in with staff members periodically, whether it be through surveys, meetings, or other forms of engagement. By checking in with employees, managers can gain a better understanding of how individual team members are feeling about their jobs and the company culture as a whole. 

When asking staff about their job satisfaction, employers should provide multiple ways for employees to express themselves in order to get the most accurate feedback. This could include multiple-choice surveys or open-ended questions that allow employees to provide detailed answers. 

Additionally, employers should use engagement techniques that are tailored to each employee’s needs; for example, some may prefer face-to-face meetings while others may prefer online engagement such as polls or video conferences. 

Regular engagement and assessment of job satisfaction levels is essential in making sure that employees feel valued and appreciated by the organization. Doing this can help create an environment where employees feel empowered to do their best work and reach their full potential. Furthermore, it helps ensure that teams remain productive and motivated since team members who feel satisfied and engaged with their work tend to be more productive than those who don’t.

Foster Social Engagement

Even if part of your team is working remotely, you can still maintain the social aspect of your work environment by encouraging them to post status updates and share their insights with Microsoft Teams add-on apps like AgilePolly, Decisions, and ScrumGenius.

Employee engagement and job satisfaction are key components of successful company culture. But it is not enough for employees to be engaged in their work—they must also feel connected to each other. Socializing with coworkers fosters a sense of camaraderie and belonging, which can lead to higher engagement, loyalty, and productivity from staff. 

It has been proven that when people make meaningful connections with those around them at work, they are more likely to stay in their job for longer periods of time. When employees feel like they fit into the culture of an organization, they will be more likely to continue contributing engagement and enthusiasm to their roles. This can ultimately result in lower turnover rates, better performance outcomes, and greater collaboration among staff members. 

Socializing is also important because it can help boost morale. When colleagues get together outside of the office environment, they have an opportunity to relax and bond over shared interests or experiences. It gives them a chance to see each other as real people rather than just co-workers—fostering relationships that can last long after any one particular project is finished or a team member has moved on. 

Facilitate Creative Brainstorming Sessions

You can gather ideas from your team in free-form digital spaces and on virtual whiteboards with apps like Freehand, Miro, and MURAL.

Digital whiteboard apps provide an invaluable tool to support staff engagement, collaboration, and creativity. By providing employees with a virtual platform to hold brainstorming sessions, companies can benefit from the engagement and creativity of their team members. Brainstorming sessions held in digital whiteboards can be conducted from any device, allowing for remote engagement and collaboration.

Using digital whiteboards for brainstorming provides an effective way for teams to generate ideas quickly, whilst being able to easily store them for future reference. Having the ability to save these sessions digitally also makes it easier for those who weren’t present at a meeting to refer back to the notes taken during the session. 

Digital whiteboards are also visually engaging due to the ability to draw or write on the board, along with supporting images, controlling audio presentations and even providing live chat functions that enable engagement with multiple parties in real time. 

The benefits of using digital whiteboards go beyond just engagement and collaboration; they can have a positive effect on company culture too. For example, by having a virtual platform where everyone can come together in one place regardless of location or time zone, it allows people to feel connected which strengthens team spirit and corporate identity.  

This then leads to encouraging job satisfaction as staff feel like their opinions are valued and listened to, making them aware that their contributions are appreciated within their organization. In fact, the Freehand by Invision app is now fully integrated, allowing users to use a virtual whiteboard for note-taking and brainstorming during Microsoft Teams meetings. 

Don’t Let Your Staff Become Disengaged At Work

Engagement is one of the most critical components of your company culture. Make sure you fully harness the tools available to you to help with the process.

Need expert assistance? Our team has extensive experience with Microsoft Teams and can ensure you optimize the way you use it at your business. Book a meeting with us to get started.

How To Build A Company Culture That Retains The Best Employees

So you’ve finally hired an experienced, capable new staff member. Are you sure you can convince them to stick around long-term?

Are you having trouble retaining your staff? To be blunt, the problem is undoubtedly company culture. 

The way your team feels at work every day, the way they’re managed and encouraged, and the people they work with directly influence their degree of satisfaction on the job. 

You’ll notice that I didn’t mention compensation—it may surprise you to learn that money is not the key determining factor in a given company’s culture or your staff’s job satisfaction. 

By developing the right social environment at your workplace, you can build real loyalty and engagement among your team members. I like to think our company has an effective culture, which we’re continuing to improve day by day.

Here are three key components to our process for doing so…

3 Building Blocks For A Winning Company Culture

Hire For Character Over Knowledge

A widespread effect of the pandemic is the mass retirement of older-generation professionals in the field. When faced with the prospect of pivoting to a fully virtual work environment, many of the experts that were only a few years from retirement decided to exit early. 

This has left us with a bit of a vacuum in terms of skills and experience. As novice professionals graduate from college and enter the industry, they won’t be able to directly take on the role of those who left with decades of experience. 

However, this isn’t as big of an issue as you might think. In fact, this is a great opportunity to think about the way you hire. Consider looking for new hires that have the right character, and match your culture. The rest can be managed through training and on-the-job experience.

Case in point: everyone knows you need smart people on your team to succeed, but it’s important to note that the intelligence trait is far more about EQ (emotional intelligence) than IQ (conventional intelligence), which is especially important in the IT industry, as well as every other field of work.

It’s so much easier to find someone with technical skills and education than it is to find someone that understands how to communicate effectively and empathize with others. That’s why we make such an effort when looking for a new hire to hold out for those that have just as high an EQ as they do IQ.

Make Sure Your Staff Is Motivated

Motivation is a vital part of a healthy workplace environment. Properly motivated people are healthier and happier across the board. They are more productive, and the work they get done is often of a higher quality than it would be otherwise. 

On the other hand, a lack of motivation can be absolutely crushing. It makes it more likely that you’ll procrastinate, waste time, and turn in a poor product at the end of it all. Unmotivated work can quickly lead to depression and worse.

That’s why it’s so important to think critically about the role motivation plays in your work and the work done by your coworkers or employees. If you can figure out what motivates you, you can ensure it’s a regular part of your daily life, helping to increase your workplace satisfaction and workplace culture as a whole. 

So, off the top of your head, what would you think is the number one workplace motivator? Social engagement? Business location? Money?

You might be surprised—TINYpulse recently anonymously surveyed 200,000 workers to find out what really motivates people in the modern workplace. The report, titled The 7 Key Trends Impacting Today’s Workplace, considered a number of different possible factors tied to and resulting from employee motivation, including employee engagement, retention, organizational culture, and more. 

Interestingly enough, the top five polled motivators for employees were:

  • Camaraderie and peer motivation (20%)

  • Intrinsic desire to do a good job (17%)

  • Feeling encouraged and recognized (13%)

  • Having a real impact (10%)

  • Growing professionally (8%)

It’s surprising, right? Expected motivators, like salary, or opportunity for promotion, didn’t even place in the top five. Instead, those polled showed that they are motivated primarily by the culture developed by themselves and their coworkers, as well as their innate desire to be good at what they do. 

It’s an extremely encouraging reality, especially compared to what most would assume. Rather than the ruthless and self-serving motivations you may expect from the majority of those in the working world, you find out that people actually usually have more heartfelt motivations.

Don’t Be Afraid To Invest In Your Staff

One challenge many managers have with corporate culture is the possible end effect of offering professional development. That is, if you invest in your employees so that they can grow and improve, won’t they just move on to another job that pays more, and benefits from your investment?

It’s a possibility—however, in the time that you have the employee, they’re likely to do better work than they would if you weren’t investing in them. I believe—and have found—that the opposite is true. 

The more you invest in your employees, the more valued they feel, and the more likely they’ll stay, as well as contribute to a high-quality service offering and an engaged workplace culture. That’s not to mention that I’m more afraid of not training my employees, and having them stick around. 

I may have saved a buck by not getting them that specific certification, but it’s not likely they’ll be contributing much to my business anyway. That’s what this is all about after all—I invest time and money in my employees, so they, in turn, invest their effort and loyalty into our company. Lastly, if you have a compelling enough corporate culture, that’s all the more reason for the employee to choose to stay with your business. 

Good Company Culture Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

The best part of this process is that your work recedes over time. Once you get the ball rolling, the culture improves itself every time you hire another contributing team member. When you add people to your team that appreciate and benefit from your positive work culture, they, in turn, contribute to it, which only helps it to grow. 

This is opposed to hiring people who are just in it for the money, who won’t have anything positive to add to the workplace environment. With an enthusiastic and engaged staff, I then had the opportunity to get them involved with initiatives that would improve our culture.

Also, while I may not be able to directly assist with the development of your company culture, I wanted to let you know that I can help with your team’s on-the-job satisfaction, specifically when it comes to technology. If your team is fed up with apps and hardware that continually fail to meet their needs, it can slowly erode their sense of satisfaction at work, greatly affecting company culture. 

My team and I can help—we’ll optimize the tools your staff uses every day to ensure they make their lives easier, not harder. Book a meeting with us to get started.

Why You Need Onboarding Software

So you’ve managed to hire an experienced and skilled new staff member. Are you sure you can keep them around? It all starts with your onboarding…

Employee Retention Stars On Day #1

The onboarding process is an integral part of the employee life cycle. It sets the tone for a successful relationship between employer and employee and directly informs the new hire’s comfort on the job. 

That’s why successful employee onboarding can improve your employee retention rate by as much as 82%.

Onboarding new employees should be a smooth transition that allows them to quickly adjust to their new work environment and become productive members of the team. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, either due to a lack of resources or inadequate preparation—or both. 

Key Challenges With Employee Onboarding

To make sure your onboarding process is successful, you need to provide comprehensive training materials that are easily accessible to your new hires. 

This includes providing an up-to-date job description, outlining expectations from day one, and ensuring all safety protocols are in place before they start working. Unfortunately, this can be a lot to manage, especially when you consider these common obstacles to the process:

Undefined Roles

Smaller businesses often struggle with key managerial tasks, such as employee onboarding. If the owner is too busy managing the operations of the company and lacks middle managers or an HR department, they may not be able to devote the necessary time to the process. 

Out Of Date Materials

Furthermore, with no specific staff member tasked with managing and optimizing this process, it’s more than likely your training materials are out of date. This only further complicates the new staff member’s first days on the job. 

Unengaging Training

Lastly, if you lack an actionable strategy for the development and improvement of your training materials, they likely aren’t all that engaging. A boring binder of materials, a stale PowerPoint, an outdated video; none of this will excite your new hire about integrating into your company. 

The Secret To Optimizing Your Onboarding

If you’ve been struggling with these challenges, you’re not alone. Business owners across the country know how difficult this can be. After all, 88% of companies do not onboard their new hires effectively. 

Don’t worry, there is a solution, and it doesn’t involve hiring an HR team you can’t afford. You can optimize your onboarding process with the right software.

Onboarding Software Will Change The Way You Grow Your Staff

Onboarding software is designed to streamline and improve the onboarding process for both employers and new hires.

It allows an organization to:

  • Create personalized onboarding plans and guides
  • Automate paperwork processes
  • Provide access to important resources like training materials
  • Create a system for tracking tasks that need to be completed
  • Store all relevant onboarding data in one place. 

These tools make it easy to stay organized throughout the entire onboarding process. Organizations can easily create custom onboarding schedules with associated tasks and deadlines, assign mentors or supervisors to follow up on tasks, review progress at any time by accessing real-time reporting features, and use this data over time to refine their future onboarding strategies. 

As business owners implement new onboarding software, they often find that it helps reduce stress for new hires by providing all of the necessary onboarding information upfront. This increases employee engagement and job satisfaction while making it easy to answer common questions quickly and accurately. 

As a result, companies can create an enjoyable and positive onboarding experience while ensuring their new employees are well-prepared for success in their roles. 

3 Must-Have Features For Your Onboarding Software Of Choice

Like any software, onboarding solutions vary in features, capabilities, and price points. Make sure you find one that offers the following…

Integration With Your Systems

Don’t bother purchasing onboarding software without first ensuring it integrates with your systems. After all, this type of software is supposed to make your life easier, not add more work to get it to cooperate with your other applications. 

Before you make your choice, make sure it can work seamlessly with:

  • HR platforms
  • Recruiting solutions
  • Payroll & benefits systems
  • Reporting solutions

Gamification Options

Engaging your employees during their training can be as simple as adding a few interactive stages. Known as “gamification”, this is the initiative to improve other boring processes by incorporating quizzes, assigning badges, and displaying leaderboards.

Mobile Capability

The more mobile your workforce is, the more beneficial mobile integration is for your onboarding software. It allows new team members to participate in training and for managers to track progress in the manner most convenient to them. This will only serve to boost engagement and effectiveness. 

Don’t Let Your Onboarding Process Cost You Skilled Staff Members

In summary, onboarding software is an invaluable tool for companies wanting to streamline the onboarding process, increase efficiency, provide personalized support for new hires, and create a great first impression with potential staff members. 

By utilizing these tools correctly, employers can ensure that their organization not only recruits but also retains quality personnel in order to achieve long-term success. 

Do you need help selecting, installing, and managing the right onboarding software for your organization? Get in touch with our team today.

Hiring Crisis: 3 Lessons To Learn While Growing Your Staff

Hiring Crisis: 3 Lessons To Learn While Growing Your Staff

Amid a nationwide hiring crisis, it’s never been more difficult to recruit and retain quality team members. Consider the top three lessons we’ve learned over the past three years to better manage the new hires you bring into your company. 

How To Find & Hire The Right Staff Members

Are you having trouble hiring right now? You’re not alone. 

Month after month, new reports hit the headlines showing that companies across the nation are struggling to fill their open positions, keep people on staff, and manage their workload. The past few years have hit the working world hard in many ways, and one of the emergent and long-lasting effects is the ongoing labor shortage. 

3 Lessons You Need To Learn About Hiring New Staff Members

Priorities Have Changed

Far and away, this was the hardest lesson we had to learn while trying to hire new staff members of late. The simple fact is that so many of the people you’ll want to hire may not have the same work/life priorities that they had two or three years ago. 

The mass pivot to remote work demonstrated the possibility of a different work/life balance for millions of people around the world. These people had become accustomed to living a life that often prioritized work over the time they spent with friends and family or in recreation. 

When they switched to remote work, most of them discovered they were able to accomplish the same work without having to commute, pack a lunch, or deal with the other trappings of conventional work. 

The issue is that, while you’d like everything to go back to the way it used to, it’s risky to mandate in-office work. It could lead to a toxic work culture, or a workplace with a high rate of turnover—or, more likely, both. 

To be clear, this doesn’t mean to have to stick with a total remote work model. You can compromise with a hybrid arrangement instead. A hybrid work model is a great way to increase workplace productivity, flexibility, and agility. 

It allows employees to utilize both in-office and remote working environments, which helps them become more productive and engaged with their work. In addition, hybrid remote work helps employers like us better manage costs as it reduces the need for office space. 

Furthermore, it increases employee morale and retention, as employees have more flexibility and control over their work hours. It helps to promote a healthy work-life balance for employees, which can lead to greater job satisfaction. 

Overall, hybrid remote work is an excellent way to increase workplace productivity and employee morale while reducing costs.

Don’t Rely On Employment Apps

On the more direct and practical side of our advice, we want to ensure you don’t make the same mistake we did by relying on employment apps. You know the ones we’re talking about: Indeed, ZipRecruiter, etc. 

At first, these seem like wonderful tools for a manager trying to hire new staff members. You simply post a job description, and applications start flooding your inbox. However, as soon as your start reviewing the applications and reaching out to applicants, you’ll start noticing the issues:

Application Volume

Getting hundreds of applications for your job really isn’t a good thing. First of all, it’s a lot of work for you and your team to review these applications. The small portion of strong applicants will be hidden in a mountain of bad ones. 

The core issue is that these apps allow applicants to automate the process of applying to a job posting. They can upload their resume, and tell the app to send it to any open jobs that meet specific criteria. They never even need to review the job they’re applying for; the first they may hear about it is when you offer them an interview slot. While this automation may be convenient for the applicant, it makes your job that much more difficult. 

Applicant Interest & Investment

The other downside to the automated nature of these apps is that they do not engender any personal investment from the applicant. Instead of scouring job postings boards and seeking potential employment about which they can be passionate and excited, applicants are completely removed from the process. 

This results in a total lack of investment from the applicant. In practical terms, this means you won’t necessarily get a response when you reach out to them. 

If you do get a response and schedule a time to meet with them for an interview, they may not actually show up. In my experience, more than half of the applicants to which we offered interviews (and who confirmed the appointment), did not show up. 

Overall, this resulted in hours and hours of wasted time for the management team. This is why we don’t post jobs on these sites anymore. We post through our social media, we rely on our staff for word of mouth, and we utilize industry-specific job boards. 

Be Patient

This may seem obvious, but we think it’s a valuable reminder. If you want to find a talented new team member with the attitude and work ethos that fits your company culture, it’s not going to happen overnight. 

It’s important to understand that building an effective team that has real longevity is no small thing. It will take months, if not years. You need to be prepared to sift through the many applications you receive, to interview potential applicants multiple times, and to provide structured training once you’ve made your selection. 

Is it a lot of work? Yes, of course—but it is an investment. 

Over the course of a year or two of intentional and careful development of your team, you’ll start to see the fruits of your labor. In fact, it will get easier over time, as your currently established team and the culture they embody will actively cultivate itself in new additions to your staff. 

Don’t Get Discouraged

To whatever degree you may find these lessons helpful, we know they don’t solve anything for you immediately. There is no magic solution to this problem. 

More than anything else, we want to make sure you don’t get discouraged. Don’t just hire anyone because you need a body to fill a position; that’s a band-aid solution, and it won’t last. 

Lastly, while we can’t help with the recruitment or training processes, our team can assist with your onboarding process. Setting up new computers, configuring secure accounts and remote access, you name it—we’re here to provide technical expertise if you need it. 

Book a meeting with us to get started.